Tulsi Gabbard for President

Jack —

There are many ways to win an election, Jack.

If you’re a billionaire like Tom Steyer, you can drop over $17 million on TV and online ads in the early states of South Carolina and Nevada and buy your way onto the debate stage.

If you and your consultant class friends are cushy with the military industrial complex and a darling of the corporate media, like Mayor Pete, you can bank on millions in “free” media coverage and a path that isn’t paved with establishment smears and media blackouts.

If you’re Michael Bloomberg… hell, you OWN the media. Enough said.

So, how DOES Tulsi win?

Here’s how: With us. With you, Jack. With all of us pulling together over the next 32 days... WE are Tulsi’s path to victory: A movement of everyday Americans who want to trust that our President has our best interests in mind.

A movement of soldiers, teachers, nurses, workers, public servants and so much more, who expect our government and its leader to be there for us when we need it after our lifetimes of service.

Tulsi can win because — and trust us we see this every day on the road, at town hall after town hall across the country — whenever people have a chance to meet with Tulsi, to hear directly from her, to hear her vision for our country and learn about her record of service to her country and its people... that’s when they get it: She’s the real deal. The first question is almost always “why haven’t I heard of you before now?!”

And THIS is where you come in, Jack. We have only 32 days to make sure EVERY voter in New Hampshire has a chance to hear directly from Tulsi. We’re banking on a breakout performance in New Hampshire — one that can launch our campaign through to South Carolina and beyond. But Tulsi needs your help today to make this happen: Will you chip-in $33 dollars to help us reach every voter in New Hampshire before February?

Right now New Hampshire is truly anyone’s game — what we know for certain is that every single vote matters, and that getting Tulsi and her message in front of every single voter in New Hampshire over the coming 32 days is critical to our path to victory.

Will you make sure every single voter in New Hampshire knows Tulsi before February? Getting our message out — with TV and digital ads, with more direct voter events — is key to coming out of New Hampshire with the kind of momentum we must raise to see Tulsi through to the end.

Can you rush $33 now to help buy as much air time as possible in New Hampshire ahead of first votes?

Together, we can make this happen.


PS — Some of you are asking why the campaign’s focus is on New Hampshire right now instead of Iowa. We’ll tell it to you straight, like Tulsi always does: We only put your dollars to work where we know they will have a big, outsized impact. Where we know we can win and defy the odds. We wish we did, but we simply don’t have the astronomical resources of the billionaire and top-tier candidates to run at-scale field operations and hyper competitive media buys in every singly early state. Instead, we are laser-focused on the areas we’re seeing the most momentum, and where together, we are making sure Tulsi can talk to every person in New Hampshire about her vision for our country before they go to the polls. Will you help her reach them? Donate $33 now.