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Dear Reader,

Living in a too-small apartment is practically synonymous with being a New Yorker. 

But for larger families, the situation is becoming especially difficult, thanks to increasing rents and decreasing availability of apartments with three bedrooms or more. For instance, of the 156,000 units of affordable housing built or preserved in New York City since 2014, more than 100,000 of them had two bedrooms or less. Developers favor smaller units, and the latest mandates stipulate fewer two- and three-bedroom apartments than they used to.  

This month, our reporting intern Rachel Rippetoe dug into the latest data and spoke to people affected by this issue. The end result is a deep dive into New York’s lack of roomier affordable housing, an article we published in both English and Spanish. One family Rippetoe spoke to (two parents; three kids) is struggling to get by in a one-bedroom, mold-infested apartment in Sunset Park. They live there because they don’t have any other choice.

We know how important it is to continue to report on the realities of housing in our city. Our job is to keep you informed on the issues affecting New York families of all shapes and sizes—thereby empowering our city’s diverse communities.  

Reporting like this is made possible by readers like you. Will you support our locally-minded journalism by donating to City Limits today? 
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Adina Berliant-McDougall
Development Manager
City Limits
WeWork Harlem • 8 W 126th Street, 3rd Floor • New York, NY 10027

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