From Carolyn Hoskin, Greenpeace <[email protected]>
Subject You made all this possible:
Date December 26, 2022 11:00 AM
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Hi John,

What a year it has been; we’ve faced threats to our climate, nature and communities. Our prime minister changed – twice! But whatever was thrown at us by politicians or corporations, we faced it together.

From building a boulder barrier at sea to block destructive industrial fishing, to launching the Big Plastic Count - the UK’s biggest ever citizen science investigation, to asking the government ‘Who voted for this?’ and activists blocking an oil tanker from docking. And so much more. It’s been a biggie. And we wouldn’t have been able to do any of it without you.

In this edition of your Greenpeace round up, we look back at the past year, reflect on your thoughts from the annual supporter survey and think about how we can start 2023 on the right foot.

Happy reading, and thanks again for making this all possible!

In this edition:
- And the survey says…
- 2022: the year in pictures
- Wear what you feel
- Recipes for a healthy planet
- Celebrating the victories of 2022
- Petitions
- What’s inspiring us this month

And the survey says: [link removed]

Tens of thousands of you filled out our annual supporter survey and shared your thoughts on what we’ve achieved together. The results are really compelling; shining light on the things that matter most to the people who make Greenpeace what it is - you!

Thank you to everyone who took part and shared your thoughts and feelings with us. Your answers left us feeling inspired, informed and ready for the year ahead. We know times were tough for us as individuals and as a movement at many points this year, but we had many important victories too. And we know that together we are stronger.

You had lots to tell us; from how much you loved the boulder action at sea, how Greenpeace makes you feel and all the ways you would like to get involved. Be sure to check out some of the highlights from the survey and what supporters really think of Greenpeace!

Find out the results: [link removed]

2022: the year in pictures: [link removed]

Greenpeace photographers captured another year of taking action on climate change, ships in action and the beauty of nature. Here are some of the best images from 2022. The images featured are a small selection from the amazing photos captured around the world this year. But they show that people’s will to fight for the protection of our planet is unbroken.

Look back at 2022 here: [link removed]

Wear what you feel: [link removed]

Together, we can demand the fair, green and peaceful world we all deserve. We can all do our bit; signing petitions, joining marches or volunteering our time. How about wearing your heart on your sleeve with our ethical clothing to spark much-needed discussions with family, friends or even a passer by?

All our Greenpeace clothes are guaranteed conversation starters, and right now it’s more important than ever to talk about our precious world. Your t-shirt could inspire more people to take the action the natural world desperately needs.

We also invest the money we make selling clothes straight back into our campaigns. So by shopping with us you could help pile pressure on companies and politicians to put us on the path to a greener, safer future. And everything we sell is genuinely sustainable too. It’s all made from organic cotton using renewable energy and no toxic chemicals. Plus everything is printed to order, so nothing is wasted.

Get your Greenpeace merch now: [link removed]

Recipes for a healthy planet: [link removed]

As we go into the new year, you may, like me, be asking – how can I live a more climate-friendly life in 2023?

Well, you're in luck! Apart from being delicious, eating more plant-based meals is one of the most effective ways to reduce our carbon footprint and have a positive impact on the climate to help stop deforestation and biodiversity loss, and save water too. Hurray!

From January 1st to January 31st, lots of people will be taking part in Veganuary, a month-long opportunity to explore plant-based food, with recipes, meal plans and helpful tips by email along the way.

Last year, 5,000 Greenpeace supporters gave it a try - why not join them and give it a go this year?

Try Veganuary: [link removed]

Celebrating the victories of 2022: [link removed]

This year is ending with a total of 63 Greenpeace victories around the world, made possible by your support. This really is a milestone worth celebrating, especially in a year such as 2022. Here are just a few victories:

United Kingdom: After preventing a Russian oil delivery to the UK in May, Greenpeace UK activists were all declared not guilty on a trial on November 4. The judge accepted that helping stop state terrorism against the people of Ukraine was a legitimate defence. "In my view, the unloading of the oil was the potential offence", said the judge. - [link removed]

Argentina: In January, Greenpeace Andino and 10 allies filed a judicial demand to stop offshore oil platforms in Argentina. The federal justice has now ruled against Equinor & the Government, maintaining the suspension of seismic exploration. - [link removed]

Netherlands: After the mass non-violent direct action at Schiphol Airport and a study showing that private flights are rapidly increasing together with big CO2 emissions, Dutch parliament voted for looking into how private jets can be regulated nationally and called at the EU level for regulation. - [link removed]

Australia: GP Australia Pacific and allies took on Australia's biggest climate polluter - and won. Check out this documentary: [link removed] - for an insight into what led to the victory that shifted Australia's biggest climate polluter into a renewable energy powerhouse.

More victories here: [link removed]


John, signing petitions is a great way to take action and make a difference. Please add your name and support to our latest petitions because nothing changes without you.

UK government: No new coal: [link removed]

The government has just approved the UK’s first deep coal mine in 30 years – this project will increase global emissions and undermine the UK’s chances of meeting its climate targets.

We have to fight this. Can you ramp up pressure on Rishi Sunak to cancel this climate wrecking new coal mine by signing the petition?

Sign the petition now: [link removed]

Tackle soaring energy bills: [link removed]

Millions of households across the UK are being pushed into fuel poverty by soaring energy bills. This comes after oil and gas giants, like Shell and BP, announced record-breaking profits.

Tell the UK Government that every person in every neighbourhood across every village, town and city deserves to be Warm this Winter.

Sign the petition now: [link removed]

Protect and restore England’s nature: [link removed]

Nature in England is in crisis. But the government is threatening to remove one of the most fundamental protections we have to safeguard nature and wildlife.

Tell the government not to scrap the protections provided by the Habitats Regulations, and to make sure at least 30% of England's land and sea is fully or highly protected by 2030.

Sign the petition now: [link removed]

What’s inspiring us this month:

- Cost of Living film: [link removed] Local Greenpeace groups across the country will be hosting film screenings followed by community-led conversations. RSVP to attend your nearest screening, where you’ll have the opportunity to discuss ways we can build pressure on our government to keep people warm this winter.

- Quiz: Which Greenpeace t-shirt are you?: [link removed] . So you'd like to buy a piece of Greenpeace clothing, but not sure where to start? Take this handy little quiz and find out!

- I asked Greenpeace volunteers to define activism. Here’s what they said: [link removed] Activism includes many types of action, whether you call yourself an activist or not. Here are six ways Greenpeace volunteers approach it.

- The end of 2022 - Greenpeace: [link removed] Watch Greenpeace International’s end of year video that looks back at 2022 and showcases how Earth is home, and it belongs to us all. Keep your eyes peeled for our visionary video in January that looks ahead at 2023 and beyond.

We’d love to stay connected with you; whether you have a question about Greenpeace's work or your support, we're here to help. My team is available to call on 020 4525 3241 Monday – Friday, 9am – 5.30pm, or feel free to email any questions you may have to [email protected].

However, we will be taking a short break from the 25th December to the 3rd January but the team will get back to you as quickly as they can when they are back.

Thanks to you, together, we will achieve many more amazing things in 2023.

Be safe and be well.

Carolyn Hoskin

Supporter Services

We don't accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, you can become a monthly supporter today: [link removed] Thank you!

To unsubscribe or change your communication preferences, please click here: [link removed]

You can find out how we use the information you give us in our recently updated Privacy Policy: [link removed]

Greenpeace Ltd, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN (registered in London no 1314381, VAT registration no 625951426)

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