News From Congressman Bilirakis
December 25, 2022

Dear Neighbor,

Merry Christmas to you and your family! It is important to make time to reflect upon what really matters: faith, family, friendship, and service to others. This time of year fills me with even more gratitude for the opportunity to serve our community. I have been humbled by the abundant generosity I have witnessed amid what has been a challenging year for so many. Kindness and selfless acts often inspire others to also do their best. As 2022 draws to a close, know that I remain committed to fighting for you and your family.  Below, you will find a shortened overview of my efforts on your behalf during this holiday week.

Fighting for Your Priorities

Based upon the feedback I continue to receive from constituents and small businesses throughout the nation, it appears these items would be on the top of most American’s Christmas list this year. Unfortunately, the bloated spending packages pushed through by Democrats last week do not align with these priorities, which is why I was forced to vote no.  Moving forward, I renew my commitment that my conservative colleagues under a Republican-led House will pursue commonsense strategies in the new year to make your wishes a reality.

 Protecting Consumers

ICYMI- As leaders of the Consumer Protection and Commerce Subcommittee, my colleagues and I are seeking answers regarding Ticketmaster’s potentially deceptive pre-sale practices. American consumers deserve fairness and transparency.  

Pushing to Restore Energy Independence

Switzerland offers a cautionary tale about what a rush to reliance on “green” energy sources can cause.  We don’t want Americans to face a similar crisis due to failed policies that don’t address the long-term energy needs of our country.  Unfortunately, as outlined in this piece, the Biden Administration’s dangerous rush-to-green energy policies only make us more reliant on supply chains from China.  These failed policies once again jeopardize our energy stability and long-term national security.  I will continue fighting to restore American energy independence by boosting domestic production. 

Fixing our Broken Mental Health System

This article highlights the urgent need for us to do more to support mental health services for our youth.  This is something I have been working on and it will continue to be a priority for me in the new year! 

Celebrating Success

I recently announced the 1st place winners of the Congressional App Challenge.  I also want to recognize my constituent, Aanya Bhandari, who was our Runner-Up Winner this year.  Aanya, who is a student at Palm Harbor University High School, created an app called Sign Interpreter.  This app translates American Sign Language to English (and vice-versa) in an effort to bridge the communication gap deaf and hard of hearing patients face in healthcare.   The app uses a phone’s camera to recognize the hands of the person signing and interprets it for the patient and provider.  Keep up the great work Aanya!

Community Connection

I am fortunate to have a team of dedicated staff who regularly attend events throughout our community, especially when I am required to be in Washington, DC.  Through their collective efforts, I am better able to stay connected to the issues that matter most to my constituents.  Here are a couple highlights of their interactions last week!

My team enjoyed attending this year’s Leadership Pasco Christmas Celebration.  This wonderful program helps small business owners and local leaders learn more about our community and how they can become more involved!


My team also was honored to join this year’s Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention’s annual brunch in Pasco County.   This wonderful organization is committed to helping support those within our community who are seeking help in their battle with addiction. 


Each December, Americans carry out the mission to Remember, Honor and Teach future generations about the sacrifices that have been made in defense of our nation as part of Wreaths Across America Day.  Coordinated wreath laying ceremonies occur at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as more than 2500 locations in all 50 states.  Thank you to all the volunteers who make this special tribute possible.   My team and I have been honored to participate in several events throughout the district as part of this special tribute!


My team recently participated in the induction of the new Civil Air Patrol unit at Sunlake High School in Pasco County.  It is wonderful to see so many students committed to serving others!


Additionally, my team was proud to support Man Up and Go at its recent annual event.  This outstanding organization encourages local community leaders to take an active role in supporting youth within our foster care system.  We all can play an important part in supporting children in our community who have endured difficult circumstances.  


Constituent Corner

My office recently received this email.

I'm not even officially in your district yet but I reached out to your office for help with a problem I was having with the IRS.  Your staff was kind and helpful.  Within two days of speaking with the man in your office, I was called by the IRS and was able to resolve my problem. I had been trying to get through for weeks. It is refreshing to know we will have such able and eager representation in the new year.  Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and your family! 

This is just one example of the work we do each day. Constituent services are a critical element of our congressional office. The federal government is a massive operation, and my office is available if you ever need assistance in navigating the bureaucracy or cutting through red tape. We are here to serve you!  



Gus Bilirakis
Member of Congress

Rep. Gus Bilirakis | 2354 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515