Theologically, to “fear” God means to hold Him in majestic awe, respect Him for His eternal preeminence and fully believe he is personally involved in your everyday life.
If this applies to you, read on:
Epistemologically, all of humanity has been and is divided into two basic groups, one believes in the God described and the other does not.
A finite number of Jews and Christians fall into the believing group. Let’s call this the Judeo-Christian group.
Within the Judeo-Christian group, we have MAJOR differences, like whether the guy’s birthday that the whole world acknowledges, is actually the Jewish Messiah.
We ain’t going to solve that one in 2023, but this next year can be devastating to we Judeo-Christians, as international enemies want the complete destruction of Jews and Israel and domestic enemies want the complete destruction Judeo-Christian moral and cultural elements in Progressive America.
So, what’s the plan to, hide, fight?
Well, the “non-believing” demographic is not to be relied upon, except for a fascinating remnant who philosophically reject the “supernatural” component of we Judeo-Christians but hold to the principles contained within our worldview, especially those which helped animate the US Constitution in 1776!
Therefore, it's believing Jews & Christians, with our backs against the wall, targets of Marxists, Morons, Media, as we are armed with only 4000 years of HIStory. Non-thinking Idiots, they are.
So, the plan is to NOT run, NOT hide but, as we celebrate Jesus’ birthday, we also today celebrate Judah’s accomplishment…and VICTORY!
If ever the spirit and fight of the Maccabee’s was needed, it is today, especially in 2023.
Imagine, if believing Jews and Christians could put a couple thousand years of horrendous history (much of which caused by “fake-news” Christians) into the rear-view mirror, put the Messiah thing into perspective, critically important, but the wolves are NOW at the door, and we focus on the fight ahead, in 2023…TWOGETHER.
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There is an invasion on our southern borders!EVERY STATE IS A #BorderState !
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