From Save the USPS <[email protected]>
Subject Louis DeJoy is a Grinch
Date December 24, 2022 6:25 PM
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Dear Friend,

Did your holiday packages arrive on time? If so, you’re lucky.

According to a union representing USPS postal workers, delays this season
have been “extreme” due to staffing shortages and logistical issues driven
by -- you guessed it -- Trump's postmaster general Louis DeJoy.(1,2)

President Biden can stop the ultimate Grinch by nominating two pro-public
service members to the USPS Board of Governors who will fire DeJoy, and we
have the Senate that can confirm them. This can't end up being another one
of those problems that gets buried by the media -- we need to keep the
call public and in the spotlight.

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It’s not just delays that are plaguing the post office -- the agency is
working with 31,000 fewer employees than this time last year.(3) And yet
prices have gone up nearly 20% in 2022.(4)

The postal delays aren’t a sign of a broken system. It’s working exactly
as intended in DeJoy's plan.

A report by Congress shows that DeJoy has total authority to continue to
short-staff the agency and hike prices at the same time.(5) And DeJoy has
been clear since Trump appointed him that he wants to dismantle the USPS.

The solution is clear: Fire DeJoy.

The USPS is an essential public service that doesn’t just deliver
Christmas presents. People in rural and impoverished areas depend on the
agency for prescriptions, paychecks, and social security payments. We
can’t let Louis DeJoy take the USPS down.

President Biden has shown in the past several months that he is willing to
listen to the public about nominations. We have the opportunity to place
two public agency advocates on the USPS Board of Governors, and we have
the majority necessary in the Senate to fire Louis DeJoy. Courage
California needs to leverage our 1.4 million membership, social media
reach, and partnerships to push as many calls as possible to the White
House, telling President Biden to act now. Will you help?

[ [link removed] ]Yes, I’ll chip in today!

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Thanks for your critical support.

–Irene, along with Angela, Annie, Isidra, Lindsay, LisaMarie, Mai, Mai,
and Scottie (the Courage team) 

PS: Courage California is fighting for equity and justice across the state
and country. [ [link removed] ]Will you become a monthly donor and help sustain our work?

Donations go to support all of Courage California's work for a more
progressive California and country. Follow us now on [ [link removed] ]Facebook or
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Courage California (formerly Courage Campaign) makes sure our democracy works for ALL of us by fighting corruption in California politics. We believe the solution lies in exposing and solving systemic problems through strategic organizing, enhancing coordination between progressive organizations, and mobilizing civic engagement from our communities, particularly voters of color, young voters, and self-identified progressives.

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