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US to Expel More Than 12 Saudi Military Trainees Following the Pensacola attack which left 3 servicemen dead Read and Share
News Analysis
Iranian Protests Call for Resignation of Khamenei: "Death to Liars!" Iran admits it shot down Ukrainian commercial plane Read and Watch
Prominent US Universities Failed to Disclose $1.3 Billion in Foreign Funding Dept. of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is all over the case Read and Share
Readers Write
Antifa Violence Talk Cancelled Due to … Threat of Antifa Violence
“ 'Polite' Canadians . . .? COWARDS is more appropriate.”
- M.M.
Iran Launches Revenge Attack: a Deliberate Fail?
“Deliberate fail. They fought with Iraq for how long? The US beat the Iraq army in 21 days. They know they don't stand a chance.”
- R.H.

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