URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Trophy hunters are BRUTALLY SLAUGHTERING grizzly bears and driving them toward EXTINCTION!

Grizzly bears explore dense forests and wade through sparkling streams to find food for their young. The clumsy cubs stumble behind, relying on the safety of their nearby mother. But all too often, bears get caught in the crosshairs of merciless trophy hunters. All it takes is the pull of a trigger for baby bears to be left all alone. 

Grizzlies are icons of the North American wilderness -- but they could soon be gone. Fewer than 2,000 grizzly bears remain in the lower 48 states. Unless we strengthen protections, that number will shrink even more as hunters murder bears. Friend, we need 82 more people from your city to help us PROTECT GRIZZLIES from vicious trophy hunters. Add your name by 11:59pm TONIGHT! 

50,000 grizzly bears once roamed the American west. But reckless human activity like hunting, trapping, and habitat destruction have DECIMATED grizzly bear populations. It could get even worse. As trophy hunters are closing in, states are trying to strip protections from grizzlies RIGHT NOW! 

Bears are running out of time. Trophy hunters continue to VIOLENTLY SLAUGHTER these innocent mammals for sport. With your help, we can fight back. Please, Friend, take immediate action to help strengthen endangered species protections for grizzly bears before it’s too late! 

Standing with you,
Raena Garcia
Fossil fuels and lands campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
