There’s a new leader in Iowa and his name is Bernard Sanders.

Friday’s Des Moines Register Poll showing Bernie with the lead was great news. But it also puts a much bigger target on our back.

Because if you think for a single second that the financial establishment of this country is going to let us win this thing without a fight, then you are sorely mistaken.

They wrote us off for a long time, now we should expect everything they’ve got.

So here’s our job: let’s see this through. Let’s win Iowa. Let’s win this nomination. Let’s beat Trump. Let’s transform this country.

But it’s going to take EVERYTHING we have for three weeks, including a lot more donations. Because right now, we are getting outspent. So we’re asking:

Can you make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign to help Bernie win in Iowa and win this primary? Lots of people donating is the only way we will win.

Three weeks. We have come so far and are so close to getting this done. Let’s finish what we started.

All my best,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager