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Dear Jack,

Merry Christmas from the Mississippi Center for Public Policy!

As Chairman of the Board, I wanted to share with you some wonderful end of the year news. Almost exactly two years ago, Douglas Carswell joined us from the UK as our new President and CEO. He came for what was intended to be a three-year term until the end of 2023, and we knew we were very fortunate to have him come to Mississippi and serve as our President and CEO.

I am delighted to announce that Douglas has agreed to extend an additional two years so that he and his family will be with us at least until the end of 2025. 

Douglas is really committed to Mississippi and to the liberty movement. In the past two years, we have already started to see a shift in policy direction toward lower taxes and less government regulation. Our policy wins have been recognized with a number of national awards. 

Douglas has built a high profile in the media both here in Mississippi and on national news outlets as well. Under his direction, the Mississippi Center for Public Policy has had a fabulous year, helping drive tax cuts, removing excessive regulation, and encouraging the next generation of young Mississippians through the Mississippi Leadership Academy.

It is a measure of how well the Carswell family has settled into life in Mississippi as they have recently purchased a new home in Flowood. Thanks to all of you who have welcomed them to Mississippi. Our Board is committed to keep Douglas in Mississippi as long as possible as he has brought great changes to our state, and he is just getting started. 

I have included highlights of the past year and would encourage you to continue your support of Douglas with a year-end gift to the Mississippi Center for Public Policy.

Forward this email to a friend!

T. Calvin Wells
Chairman of the Board
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