May your days be filled with
peace, hope, and joy
this holiday season.

"Even as we celebrate, we must also remember those among us who are hurting at this time. Many during this season are without hope and need the kindness and compassion of those around them. From families that lost a close member/friend this year to all who are on the Front Lines. It is our prayer we will rise to meet the needs of our community, and what better day is there to love our fellow man."

"We are also mindful of our men and women in uniform. Many are stationed right here in York and also around the world today protecting our freedoms. They cannot be with their own spouses, children, parents and siblings. We express the deepest gratitude for the service that takes them away from celebrating with loved ones, and we ought to remember them in our thoughts and prayers not just on Christmas Day, but the whole year."

York County Republican Committee
237 Pauline Drive, York, PA 17402 | 717-854-7276 | [email protected]