I’m glad that the Independent Institute’s work attracts the support of people with differing perspectives on public issues.
But one thing that unites us is an understanding that centralized decision-making—especially by government, whether federal or state—often leads to unintended consequences and damaging restrictions on the liberty of individuals, families, and communities. In the name of securing peace, prosperity, and meeting needs, government increasingly steps in as the Great Provider—and the great controller. Unintended consequences abound, causing massive dysfunction.
We all want a country and a world defined by peace and prosperity, as well as the liberty for people to creatively start associations and businesses that meet one other’s needs. The Independent Institute shows the way, by consistently providing essential research showing how challenges can be met by people, not politicians.
Our two most recent books focus on topics—foreign military intervention, and roads—where government provision is taken for granted. In the popular imagination, these are seen as entirely within the sphere of a central government.
Readers of these books discover the slew of intended consequences caused by government provision: waste, fraud, enormous cost, and—in some cases—onerous restrictions on civil liberties. And our authors, who are serious scholars, formulate alternatives. They present solutions to better secure national security and ease of transportation—solutions that are decentralized and minimize recourse to government.
As we near closer to the end of calendar year, we hope you will join in supporting our efforts to explore and celebrate free collaboration by free people! Thank you for your kind consideration.
Wishing you and your loved ones the happiest of holidays!

Graham H. Walker, Ph.D.
Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 94621
(510) 632-1366
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