From Kristin, <>
Subject READ: Stories from moms like you
Date December 24, 2022 1:00 AM
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Dear Friend,

In breaking GOOD news: [ [link removed] ]Yesterday the U.S. Senate finally, finally,
FINALLY passed the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and the PUMP for Nursing
Mothers Act!!…. These victories were propelled forward by YOUR stories, by
our calls to Congress, and by everyone pitching in across organizations
and the nation to keep the pressure on and never, ever giving up. Thank

Your stories and voice are so powerful. We know they move hearts, give and
spread hope, and change votes. Because of this, last week we asked you and
MomsRising members across the nation to share your stories in response to
the question: Why do you rise?

We received HUNDREDS of responses from all across the country, and WOW are
we inspired and feeling more hopeful than ever. We’ve shared a few
highlights below to inspire you too! Our community together is nothing
short of amazing.

[ [link removed] ]As you read, get inspired, and reflect on your story of why you rise,
please also take a moment to make an end-of-year gift to MomsRising
Together. Your support means so much to us, and all gifts are matched
through Dec 31.

We appreciate your voice, stories, and force for good in the world more
than words can describe. And we’re inspired that many of you shared
stories of your deep personal connection to the issues we work on
together, like Erika from Washington: “My family is what motivates me to
rise! To be more specific, immigration rights are what I am passionate
about as we’re currently battling to have our family together again in the
United States. My husband is currently in Mexico due to the no tolerance
policy that the Trump administration put into action.”

Kelli from Florida shared: “I rise because my postpartum period was the
most vulnerable I have felt in my entire life and I suffered food and
housing insecurity because of my inability to work those early weeks of my
babies life. I know things shouldn't be this way in the United States of
America.” Nancy from Pennsylvania sent a photo with her tiny baby in a
pink hat and said: “I rise because every American family should have
access to quality, affordable childcare, and all parents should have
enough paid family leave to bond with their newborn and recover from

Peggy from Kentucky was one of many who rise for reproductive justice,
sharing: “I was 18 when women won the right to control our reproductive
choices. Throughout my life I’ve seen some positives for women, but far
too few, and this year I saw the biggest setback ever. I plan to continue
to do what I can for women’s rights.”

[ [link removed] ]As you read, get inspired, and reflect on your story, please also take
a moment to make an end-of-year gift to MomsRising Together. Your support
means so much to us, and all gifts are matched through Dec 31.

One thing we love about our MomsRising community is that we’re all in for
taking action to help build a nation where everyone can thrive. It’s
inspiring!! Our actions add up to advance victories like the Pregnant
Workers Fairness Act and the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act that happened
this week!! We got a number of responses similar to this that inspired us,
shared by Candyce from Ohio: “I want to know that, when it mattered, I
showed up and left it all on the field.” Andrea from Oklahoma shared that:
“I rise because if I simply stand by my voice is never heard. My opinion
counts and no one would know it if I keep silent. I am the squeaky wheel.
I will never be silent!”

Felicity from California knows that moms are powerful, and essential to
change, sharing that: “I rise because...if women don't do it, it won't get

Tania from Maryland shares that: “I rise because I know that my children,
grandchildren, and countless others are worth the fight. They need a shero
to stand up for them and the many causes that MomsRising supports in order
to have a fantastic future!”

[ [link removed] ]As you read, get inspired, and reflect on your stories too, please also
take a moment to make an end-of-year gift to MomsRising Together. Your
support means so much to us, and all gifts are matched through Dec 31.

Thank you for sharing your stories, for taking action, and for building
both hope AND change. We were touched by this from Victoria in Oregon:
“MomsRising gives me hope and brings the light to an often darker world.”

Chrystal from Wisconsin shared this beautiful verse: “I rise because the
sun also rises. I rise because the trees also sleep and awaken in spring.
I rise because the tide also rises. I rise because the future also depends
on my rising."

Smilla from Alabama put it simply: “I want all families to have a good

Thank you. Your stories have helped people know they aren’t alone in their
similar struggles, have opened the eyes of elected leaders and empowered
votes, and changed the way reporters view (and report on) the world. Your
persistent, insistent voice, calls, letters, meetings with leaders,
postcards, local organizing and more is pulling our nation forward. We are
inspired by each and every one of you, and proud to be in community with
you, rising together for much-needed change (like the passage of the
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act just this
week alone). 

Thank you.

[ [link removed] ]If you are able to do so, please support the world-changing work that
MomsRising does with an end-of-year gift today. Your contribution will
help us be even stronger as we move forward in 2023.

[ [link removed] ]Make a Year-End Gift

With gratitude,

- Kristin and everyone at

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