News from Congressman Jake Ellzey


Dear John,

Recent News

In the last couple of months, a lot has happened here in Washington, DC. Most notably, we recently passed the fiscal year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, which is the bill that continues to fund our military. In my view, this is one of the most important bills we work on here in Congress. The continued support of the military is crucial to maintain our national security and the safety of our citizens.

Today, Congress passed a disastrous 1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill that does little to help our country. Again, the Democrats introduced and passed a 4,000-page bill in the middle of the night without committee work or input from members outside of leadership. This is not the way to govern our country, and when Republicans take control of the House in January, we will govern the way our founders intended. With honesty and transparency.

As we look forward to January and the 118th Congress, I am optimistic for the New Year now that we have control of the House. I am confident that House Republicans will produce legislation that will benefit the American people. We will work tirelessly to bring back security and order to our border, we will reign in government spending bringing inflation under control, and we will put the hardworking American people first again through our Commitment to America plan.

So, with that, Merry Christmas, and Happy New year, enjoy the time off with your family and loved ones and reflect on this past year and what you are most grateful for during the holidays. See you all next year!

D.C. Update

S. 3825 - Designating the United States Post Office, located at 3903 Melear Drive in Arlington, Texas, as the "Ron Wright Post Office Building." I filed H.R. 6626, the bill to provide for the "Ron Wright Post Office," I am thankful Senator Cornyn then filed S. 3825 as the identical bill, passed it in the Senate, and it is now on signed into law. I'm also thankful for Senator Cruz cosponsoring S. 3825. Congressman Wright dedicated his life to the people of Texas. Congressman Wright was a pillar in the community that he served. We thank Ron for all that you have done for the people of Texas and for the people of the United States. We all miss Ron, and I hope that Susan, his bride, and his children and grandchildren will take a great deal of pride in the fact that this will be named after him.

The National Defense Authorization Act - I voted YES on this year's NDAA. The NDAA will authorize funding to defend America and its interests. This bill contains provisions that will counter China, support Taiwan, give our servicemembers a pay raise, and increase our military capabilities. Also, the bill rescinds the COVID-19 vaccine mandate on all active and reserve component servicemembers and ends servicemember separations for failure to take the COVID-19 vaccine. I am happy the bill includes my amendment about how to help the transition from active duty to private life. The Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs will be required to report specific information to Congress so lawmakers can best evaluate what gaps exist during the active duty/private citizen transition and how to close those gaps, especially when dealing with mental health assessments. This language in the NDAA fulfills a campaign promise to help with the mental health care of our veterans. 

The VITAL Assessment Act – I first introduced this bill on October 8, 2021, as my first bill as your Congressman, and as the year ends, I am grateful that it is on its way to the president's desk. The VITAL Assessment Act becoming law will help our student veterans receive the mental health care that they have earned. The bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to report to Congress on the effectiveness and challenges of the VITAL program, a program with a proven record of reducing veteran suicide. Since the VITAL Assessment Act will further improve mental health services delivered to college students who are veterans, it will further reduce student veterans' risk of suicide. The passing of this bill could not have been done without Senator Cornyn's sponsorship and Senator Cruz's support. It's truly amazing what we can accomplish if we work together.   

District Update

During this holiday season and as a new year unfolds, I am reflecting on the past couple of months and am reminded of the wonderful people in my district who have a servant’s heart.  In November, I had the opportunity to meet the young men and women from TX-06 who were seeking a Service Academy nomination. In reading their application essays I saw the quality and values we look for in our leaders of tomorrow. The candidates of 2023 are a remarkable group of individuals who embody the American resilience and excellence we look for in our servicemembers. We are truly in safe hands.  

I want to share with you a couple of excerpts that really inspired me from some of these amazing essays - 
Candidate Cook , “An education through a service academy is right for me because I aspire to academically challenge myself, develop essential skills for any environment I may encounter, enhance my leadership ability, and, most importantly, gain the essential preparation to ultimately serve and protect the United States of America.” 

Candidate Ngyun – “The opportunity to serve in the military would also allow me to return the favor it did for my family. My father escaped the horrors of the Vietnam war at the age of 9. His boat was stranded. However, a Naval ship appeared and saved my father's family. This incident was instilled into my father's core memory which inspired him to serve in the military. My father does play a small role in my inspiration to attend and serve in the military. However, the main reason I would like to serve is to help other families the way my family was aided. Being granted the opportunity to help others the same way my father was helped is a dream of mine. No matter the role in the military, every action contributes to the welfare of our country. Serving in the military would not only allow me to return the favor it has done for my family but ultimately serve the people that define the United States of America.” 

Candidate Lee – “Additionally, it would allow me to give back to others in these communities by serving. Ultimately, I want to attend a military academy to be challenged and pushed in a way that allows me to not only serve this country but also to emerge as a leader and the most optimal version of myself. This is what I desire most to do with the next decade of my life and I know that this will be a decision I would never regret.” 

In meeting these students, I was acutely aware of the calling they felt to serve others at such a young age. My Service Academy interview panel is made up of myself and 10 former service academy graduates who served as warfare qualified officers in the various branches of the military. This panel and I know the wonderful opportunities and experience that awaits at a military academy, we also know what we are ultimately asking of these young men and women. In all, 22 candidates received nominations and I am confident that many will receive appointments. 

We serve our neighbors in so many ways. Each community had toy drives and food drives, angel trees and community free lunches. I want to give a special thanks to Waxahachie Care for inviting my staff and I to tour their facility, we were able to see the amazing work they are doing for our community firsthand. Perhaps one of my favorite parts of the visit was giving out free turkeys and trimmings to those in our community who are in need. Our team is dedicated to serving the community and will be returning to volunteer in the new year.

I want to thank everyone for their service to others; whether it be to a neighbor, church missions, volunteering, or service to our country….there are countless ways we all serve each other. During this time of year, it is important that we reflect on our service to others and our community in the spirit of giving. I also want to thank the various organizations that help our neighbors not just during the holiday season but all year long. I am grateful to be a part of such an amazing community and look forward to continuing our efforts in local service this upcoming year..  

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 

1 Peter 4:10 


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Jake Ellzey
Member of Congress
