Hi John, it’s Lucas Kunce. I wanted to take a moment to wish you and your family a great holiday season, and to thank you for everything you’ve done to support me and warriors for working people up and down the ballot in 2022.
Holiday card from Lucas. Photos of Lucas and his kids with text: Thank you and happy holidays! - The Kunce Family

Hi John, it’s Lucas Kunce.

I wanted to take a moment to wish you and your family a great holiday season, and to thank you for everything you’ve done to support me and warriors for working people up and down the ballot in 2022.

Whether you made a donation or volunteered your time, you helped us build a historic grassroots movement that was so much bigger than just my campaign for U.S. Senate. We made a real difference for candidates and working people all across Missouri and the country this year.

In Springfield and the Kansas City Northland, we knocked on hundreds of doors and made thousands of calls to successfully re-elect warriors for working people like my friend Betsy Fogle to the Missouri state legislature.

Photo of Lucas and his kids canvassing in Springfield with State Representative Betsy Fogle.

We raised thousands of dollars for Adrian Plank, who faced one of the tightest Missouri House races this year and ultimately flipped HD-47 in Columbia.

Photo of Lucas canvassing in Columbia for State Representative-Elect Adrian Plank.

And we didn’t stop there. This team raised more than $100,000 for John Fetterman and Raphael Warnock in the final weeks of their critical U.S. Senate races — giving the interests of working people a real fighting chance in the U.S. Senate.

We’ve accomplished so much together in 2022, but there’s still work left to do.

In two years, our state will face even more big elections — Josh Hawley, an open governor’s seat, and even more opportunities to chip away at the corporate supermajority in our state legislature.

That’s why we can’t let our movement stall out as this year comes to an end. We need to stay prepared for the challenges ahead. And I’m ready to keep fighting.

You’ll hear more from me next year, but for now, I hope you’re enjoying the holiday season and finding time to spend with your loved ones.

Thank you for everything.

Stay warm out there,

Lucas Kunce