Hey my friend! Please don’t skip this 90 second email, OK?
Today, I want to ask on behalf of our Political Action Committee: have you felt value from being part of Real Justice's fight to elect civil rights-minded prosecutors this year?
We created Real Justice PAC to respond to the crisis of mass incarceration and police violence so that we could change the system from the inside out, district by district, county by county, all over America.
Beyond our hopes, we have succeeded. We have now helped elect over 30 prosecutors and judges nationwide. This work is saving lives! But there is much more to do and many more races to win.
Real Justice is yours. It is only possible because of supporters like you. If being part of this fight has given you any hope or solace, please join the few who give.
All I ask is that you give what feels right, whether that’s $2 or $25.
I gotta run. Wherever you are, I am praying for your strength and healing.