Victory! Busking now legal in Houston


Tony Barilla’s quest to play music on Houston street corners led him into a frustrating maze of bureaucracy. Busking was outright banned in most of the city. Even in Houston’s Theater District, where busking was allowed, Tony ran into brick wall after brick wall trying to get a permit.
So Tony set out on another quest: to change the city’s busking policy and restore musicians’ free expression.
It took four years, but with PLF’s help, Tony accomplished what he thought impossible: A district court just ruled in Tony’s favor and overturned Houston’s busking ordinance.

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The Hill: Are Georgia and Oklahoma racially discriminating in a homeowners’ COVID relief program?


The federal government is giving away billions of dollars in taxpayer money to help Americans nationwide who are struggling to pay mortgages. But in Georgia and Oklahoma, whether homeowners are eligible for assistance depends on their skin color.

Glenn Roper explains why this approach is unjust and unconstitutional.

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Illinois small business owner fights for equal treatment under the law


The COVID-19 pandemic was a brutal blow to small business owners. Entrepreneurs lost revenue not only because of the virus but also because of the government’s confusing and constantly changing plans to mitigate its spread.
Cook County, Illinois—which encompasses Chicago and represents over 40 percent of all Illinois residents—offered entrepreneurs hope for relief: the Source Grow Grant, which provides $10,000 to struggling small businesses.
But the program’s use of race to prioritize grant eligibility means an unfair playing field for struggling entrepreneurs seeking government relief. So one small business owner is fighting back.

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