Dear friend,
My baby Ari was born in April — and it's her first Christmas! We'll be spending the day with our family and a lot of love. We're beginning new traditions with her so she can remember this time as magical. Full of music, food, and laughter. We're also going to be stopping over at our friends' and families' houses so they can see her beautiful smile (some for the first time!) and she can spread some holiday cheer!
I know that before I got my second chance, when I was in prison around the holidays, it was hard on my family. This year, I wish that all loved ones with families in prison don’t give up. It can be easy to dwell on the downside.
By giving a gift to FAMM, you help give families hope. Will you give today to help FAMM fight for second chances?
In terms of hope, I know what I'm talking about. I was 41, not halfway through my 15-year sentence in federal prison, and COVID was hitting prisons hard. I had underlying medical conditions that put me at high risk if I contracted the disease, and on lockdown, conditions inside deteriorated by the day. I applied to the warden for compassionate release and was denied. Despair would have been easy for me. But somehow, I stayed hopeful.
Finally, because of the First Step Act and FAMM, on July 17, 2020, a judge granted me compassionate release, stating in the memorandum that "Mr. Boykin has provided a sufficient extraordinary and compelling reason for compassionate release." I can't tell you how overjoyed I was. None of this would have been possible if my family and I hadn't kept hope alive and reached out to FAMM.
And now we have this beautiful baby daughter. Without compassionate release, she wouldn’t have been born. My family and my community are stronger because I got a second chance.
During this giving season, I'm wondering if you'd consider a gift to FAMM to help them reach their goal of raising $200,000 so that they can help more families like ours keep the hope alive.
Thank you,

Ernest Boykin, FAMM Advocate