From Janti Soeripto, Save the Children <[email protected]>
Subject Happy holidays from Save the Children!
Date December 23, 2022 4:04 PM
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From all of us at Save the Children... Happy Holidays!
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Happy holidays, John! Today, I’m personally thanking you for everything you’ve done to help make children’s futures brighter this year with Save the Children. 

This year, the war in Ukraine put an entire nation’s children at risk and contributed to a global supply chain shortage, further impacting countless children across the world. Through it all, your generosity has made a crucial difference. Here are just a few examples of the power of your support:

13-year-old Mariia* suffers from a chronic medical condition worsened by stress. When she and her family were forced to flee their home in Ukraine and leave all their possessions behind, you helped provide a cash transfer so her mother could buy the medicine Mariia urgently needed in this extremely stressful situation. 

2-year-old Aubree was born just one month into the COVID-19 pandemic. Shortly after that, her mother Shaquilla enrolled her in our Early Steps to School Success program in South Carolina. This helped them access hand sanitizer, wipes, diapers and local food banks – all critical resources during the toughest days of the pandemic. Today, our coordinators continue to provide fun activities to encourage Aubree’s learning and development.

12-year-old Kahna* lives in a floating house with her aunt and grandmother on Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia. Fishing the lake used to be a steady source of food and income for families like Kahna’s, but climate change and pollution have made it more difficult to depend on. Our GREEN livelihoods project helps families like Kahna’s diversify their income away from fishing: Now, her aunt sells vegetables she grows in a floating garden and non-polluting soap she makes herself. 

From protecting children when emergencies strike to funding long-term community improvement projects, I am so proud of the work we’ve accomplished together this year. As long as there are compassionate people like you out there, John, I have so much hope for the future.

Thank you for everything you do to help children around the world grow up healthy, educated and safe. It means so much, and it really makes a difference. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season.
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Janti Soeripto

President & CEO

Save the Children

P.S. If you’d like to learn more about how your generosity has touched the lives of millions of children across the world this year, I hope you’ll take a moment to watch a video we put together about this community’s impact in 2022.
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(C) 2022 Save the Children Federation, Inc.
501 Kings Highway East, Suite 400 Fairfield, CT 06825

Photo: Amberlee Christy, Matthew Morrison, Victoria Zegler, Andrew Pacutho // Save the Children
*Names changed for protection

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