Hi Friend,

IWF’s Center for Economic Opportunity is making a mark as an influential voice and trusted source in the policy world.

Our scholars have testified during congressional or federal agency hearings half a dozen times this year on labor, antitrust, and other economic issues. We’ve worked behind the scenes to advise congressional members on messaging during hearings, even crafting remarks for congressional leaders. 

Our policy experts are standout voices on key issues that women care about from the baby formula crisis to rising prices on household necessities. Because we are comprised of working moms, single women, and business owners, we are sought-after commentators, speakers, and analysts.

We have big plans to keep momentum going in 2023. Will you contribute to our continued impact with a tax-deductible donation of $10, $25, $50, $100, or more? Your investment will count as DOUBLE thanks to a generous donor who has offered to MATCH all gifts that come in before January 1st — dollar-for-dollar.
IWF is viewed as a leader on the issue of flexible work, our Chasing Work storytelling campaign of people affected by government crackdowns on independent contracting was recently heralded by coalition groups during a closed-door session with congressional staff. 

This year, we moved from educating to activating on threats to independent contracting. Through a robust comment drive and marketing campaign, we were responsible for over 1,000 public comments in opposition to the Department of Labor’s proposed federal regulations.

We are investing in the next generation of leaders. By partnering with Liberty University’s Business School, we brought a message of women’s empowerment that is individual-focused rather than government-centered. 

Unfriendly journalists have taken note of our influence. CNBC and The Intercept published “hit pieces” about our tech policy work and impact. Nevertheless, we call balls and strikes when government and even some private-sector activities are harmful to consumers.

Your financial support is not charity but an investment in the nation’s top women’s group that speaks to, for, and about women with competence, authenticity, and passion.
You won’t find any economic, tech, and labor groups on the right that are countering the left’s victimization narrative by speaking to the unique needs and concerns of women.

Please consider making a year-end gift to Independent Women’s Forum so we can expand our footprint and amplify our microphone.

Yours in the fight!
Patrice Onwuka

P.S. Don’t forget: Your donation is tax deductible and matched. So it’s an added bonus to donating to Independent Women’s Forum before the end of the year. https://www.iwf.org/invest-standwithwomen