Free Software Foundation

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Dear Free Software Supporter,

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If you're in need of a last-minute gift for the holidays, why not choose one of the gifts that keeps on giving? You can support the #FreedomToShare software and documentation through giving your friend or loved one an FSF membership, letting them know you value their freedom and digital autonomy. Not only do you show you care by giving them a gift in the first place, but you're sending the message that freedom is of the utmost importance.

Gift a Free Software Foundation (FSF) associate membership!

Joining the FSF as an associate member is one of the best ways to bring your friends and loved ones into the free software community. For a full year, they'll be welcomed into the FSF community's collective push towards freedom, and your support will allow us to keep on spreading the free software message all year round -- as well as for years to come. Plus, your gift of a membership will count towards our year-end goal of 455 new members, helping us start the year off right financially.

Your friend, colleague, or loved one will be able to redeem their membership from the moment your donation is complete. After donating, you'll receive a code and a printable page so that you can present your gift as a physical object, if you like. The membership is valid for one year, and includes the many benefits that come with an FSF associate membership, including a USB member card, email forwarding, access to our Jitsi Meet videoconferencing server and member forum, discounts in the FSF shop and on ThinkPenguin hardware, and more.

In the generous mood? You can find even more gifts in this year's latest round of updates to the FSF Ethical Tech Giving Guide. In addition to the usual round of tips on finding devices that respect your freedom, you'll also find suggestions on where to get DRM-free music, books, and films.

If you have a few spare moments around the kitchen table this holiday season, now might be the perfect time to share (or reshare!) our video ShoeTool for a way to start the conversation about free software and explore some of its most basic concepts. If you like, you can share the video on your social media accounts using the #FreedomToShare hashtag. You can also use the short URL in your message.

Wishing you happy holidays!

The Free Software Foundation staff
Andrew, Craig, Davis, Dawn, Devin, Greg, Ian, Jeanne, Michael, Miriam, and Zoë

"ShoeTool" by the Free Software Foundation Copyright © 2019 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.