
I wanted to drop you a message today — before the important FEC deadline at midnight tonight. I’m asking you to pitch in if you can.

A lot of elected officials get into politics for the power, the money, or the fame.

That’s just not me. I’ve been working on my family’s farm my whole life. I first ran for office in Montana because there were folks in power who weren’t making decisions with farmers like me in mind.

They were answering to the corporations, lobbyists, and dark money groups writing campaign checks.

So we do things a little differently. We count on regular folks like you pitching in whatever you can to keep us moving. It’s the only way we’re going to make sure our government works for working people.

But right now I think we’re still short of our goal, with only a few hours left before the FEC deadline.

So, here’s where I ask ya: can you make a contribution before tonight’s FEC deadline? I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.


Thanks for always stepping up for us.

— Jon