HER Time PAC [[link removed]]
HER Time has our last fundraising deadline of the year next week, and we’re still pacing behind on our 5,000 contribution goal.
The truth is, HER Time couldn’t have accomplished any of the amazing things we did this year without grassroots contributions from folks like you. You power everything we do, so thank you.
And now we’re asking you to step up one more time and chip in any amount to help us catch up on our end-of-year fundraising goal. Even $10 goes such a long way: [[link removed]]
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
CHIP IN $10 NOW [[link removed]]
CHIP IN $25 NOW [[link removed]]
CHIP IN $50 NOW [[link removed]]
CHIP IN $100 NOW [[link removed]]
CHIP IN $250 NOW [[link removed]]
ANOTHER AMOUNT [[link removed]?]
HER Time
2120 University Ave
Berkeley, CA 94704
United States
her-time.com [[link removed]] |
[email protected] [
[email protected]]
Paid for by the HER Time PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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