Hi there,?


Senator Marsha Blackburn wants YOU to come to RightNOW Women PAC's event TOMORROW evening, 6:00 - 8:00 PM at the Capitol Hill Club.??



RSVP?here before tickets sell out! Remember,?current members can come for free! If you have not renewed your membership, there is still time to do so!?


Hope to see you there tomorrow!?




Gabrielle Goldfarb & Ariel Judah

Events Committee Co-Chairs, RightNOW Women PAC




RightNOW Women PAC is the leading voice for young and engaged professionals, dedicated to supporting and electing qualified, viable Republican women to federal office. For more information, please visit us at http://www.rightnowwomen.org.

Keep up with RightNOW Women PAC on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram

RightNOW Women PAC ? PO Box 30844, Bethesda, MD 20824, United States
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