George Washington and the Battle of Trenton
Christmas 1776: Forging Ahead for Freedom
Washington Crossing the Delaware by Leutze
A Revolutionary Crossing
Hardly six months after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the American Continental Army faced a dire predicament as winter approached in 1776. Led by General George Washington, the Continental Army had not won a single significant battle and had suffered several major defeats. They were in desperate need of a victory.

However, Washington remained steadfast in his commitment to American independence, and developed a plan in which his army would launch a Christmas surprise attack on Trenton, New Jersey. 

On Christmas morning 246 years ago, Washington stood on a small rowboat gazing across the frozen banks of the Delaware River separating Pennsylvania and New Jersey, ready to lead his fatigued troops in a perilous surprise attack against the British forces, which included well-trained, well-equipped Hessian mercenaries.

The odds of winning were low. Washington’s strategy: a top-secret mission hinging on a river crossing and a pre-dawn attack on the enemy at Trenton.

In the midst of a brutal winter storm, some 2,000 soldiers and Washington himself braved the frigid cold and crossed the ice-choked Delaware river on December 25th, reaching Trenton by 8am and capturing a completely unprepared garrison of Hessian mercenaries hired by the British to fight against the Americans. 
A Major Turning Point
The victory at the Battle of Trenton not only provided Washington's army with much-needed arms and ammunition, but it also quickly bolstered American morale.
Washington at the Battle of Trenton
Washington’s iconic battle plan – crossing the river for a surprise attack, undaunted by the elements, for victory at Trenton – is now recognized by historians as a watershed event in the war, indeed, a turning point for American independence. 
We must work just as hard today to protect our freedoms by introducing and strengthening the teaching of our founding principles and history in our schools, all the way from K-12 through college. These principles are what can unite us as a people. This is the battle the Jack Miller Center wages every day. We need your help in order to win.

And so with gratitude, we wish you a wonderful holiday season!
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The Jack Miller Center is a nationwide network of political scholars, historians, and civics teachers who seek to pass along the meaning of America to the next generation.

We have three strategies to pursue this mission:
  1. build and sustain a community of scholars in the fields of American political thought and history;
  2.  restore the teaching of American citizenship in K-12 schools that centers on the country’s history, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and other foundational texts in the American tradition; and
  3. partner with organizations and philanthropists to advance civic education that is grounded in America’s founding principles and history.
We are building a movement of educators and citizens to advance the principles of equality, liberty, and opportunity that lie at the heart of the American political tradition.
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