From Lisa Graybill, National Immigration Law Center <>
Subject An important step toward achieving justice
Date December 22, 2022 6:00 PM
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This fall, a federal court granted preliminary approval of a class settlement in
our lawsuit challenging what was at the time the largest workplace raid in a

Four years ago, DHS and IRS agents illegally targeted and detained our clients
and a class of roughly 100 Latinx workers at a meat processing plant in eastern
Tennessee, subjecting them to racial profiling and excessive force.

Alongside our clients and partners, including the Southern Poverty Law Center
and Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, we have been fighting for
justice ever since.

Once finalized, this precedent-setting settlement will provide over $1 million
for workers who were detained and mistreated during the raid. Our clients
bravely fought back after federal agents violated their rights and now, they are
sending a powerful message to law enforcement officers: There are consequences for unlawful policing and racial profiling, no matter
the immigration status or income of the person involved.

This is an important step toward achieving justice, but our work does not stop
here. This case is a reminder of what we can achieve when we come together and
organize, in the face of deliberate efforts to demonize and instill fear in
immigrant communities.

Our immigrant justice movement is stronger with you on our side,
friend. Can you make a donation to help us reach our
crucial year-end fundraising goal and support our work on behalf of all
immigrant workers?
[[link removed]]

[[link removed]]There’s work to do in the coming year to achieve justice for all and we’re
stronger with you in the fight.

Lisa Graybill
Vice President, Law and Policy
National Immigration Law Center

P.S. Your gift could have twice the impact with a matching gift from your
employer. Visit
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