Dear Friend,

This is a very difficult email for me to write you.

I know it will take me some time to write this out, I might have to step away to fight back the tears. I hope you can be patient with me.

You see, this might be the last Christmas my three beautiful children and I get to spend with my husband and their loving father, Eric, for a long time.

Family Picture with Eric

That’s Eric, myself, and our children in this photo, just so you know what we look like.

Earlier this year, Eric – a Detective for the Kansas City Police Department – was wrongfully sentenced to prison for 6 years after defending himself and his partner in the line of duty.

Eric and one of his fellow detectives were pursuing 26-year old Cameron Lamb – who was erratically and dangerously driving to chase down his ex-girlfriend and her children.

Eric and his partner followed Lamb to a garage, where Lamb would do the unthinkable: he raised a firearm and pointed it directly at Eric’s partner.

In swift action, my husband shot at Lamb, stopping the threat and saving his partner’s life.

7 months later, when Eric should have been touted as a hero for protecting our community from dangerous criminals, the local prosecutor would charge my husband – the loving father of my children – with manslaughter.

And after an exhausting and expensive legal battle, Eric lost.

Our justice system failed Eric.

It failed our children.

And it failed every single police officer who puts their own life at risk to protect mine and yours.

But this is not God’s plan for Eric. God won’t lock Eric behind bars and leave my children without a dad.

No – God is giving us the strength to fight and appeal this wrong court decision to finally clear my good husband’s name.

I thank God everyday that he sent us to the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, who has graciously helped us through every gut-wrenching minute.

Will you help our difficult battle to appeal by sending LELDF another generous, tax-deductible Christmas donation of $35, $50, $100, or more?

LELDF is a national group fighting on behalf of wrongly-accused police officers like Eric.

LELDF has helped dozens of innocent cops – and their families – at their lowest moments.

And now that I’m faced with the reality that Eric could be spending the next 6 years behind bars, and I’ll be left to raise our three children on my own, LELDF has stood by our side and is continuing to help us fight for what’s right: clearing Eric’s name.

As a non-profit organization, they depend solely on generous gifts from folks like you to defend officers like Eric.

In fact, LELDF must raise over $100,000 this Christmas season to support my husband Eric and the other important cases they’re fighting, like Officer Michael Dunn and US Marshall Chad Skaggs.

I truly believe God is using LELDF to answer our prayers. And I pray today that God will put it on your heart to generously support LELDF’s mission again.

Would you give a $35, $50, $100, or more tax-deductible gift today?

Friend, if I had anywhere else to turn, I wouldn’t be so bold as to ask for your help.

But Eric and I don’t have the kind of money it takes to pay for lawyers, expert witnesses, and court fees on our own.

And if we lose this appeal, then this will be the last Christmas Eric gets to spend with our children for six years.

I simply can’t bear the thought of watching my children grow up without him.

So, thank you for reading my email. I understand how busy the Christmas season is – it means so much to me that you sacrificed your time today to read my update.

Thank you in advance for your support.


Sarah DeValkenaere



More such officers who sacrifice so much for will face similar fates unless we speak out and stand up for the brave men and women in blue. The next time you see a police officer in your community, please thank them for their service. To read more about our mission or the other Law Enforcement officers we’re defending, please visit And remember - Blue Lives Matter!

This message was intended for: [email protected]
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