It’s time for us to make history and elect Virginia’s first black Congresswoman.


The 27,900 ballots across Virginia’s fourth congressional district have been tabulated – and the people of VA-04 have decided OVERWHELMINGLY that Sen. Jennifer McClellan is the right choice to continue Congressman McEachin’s legacy and to defeat far-right extremist Leon Benjamin.

But we can’t let our foot off the gas – the fight to defeat Leon Benjamin will be a tough one, and Special Elections are notoriously hard to predict. With an evenly divided Congress, we can’t leave this election up to chance!

That’s why we’re reaching out to you. Will you chip in to help make history and elect Jennifer McClellan as the FIRST black congresswoman from Virginia?

Leon Benjamin has always aligned himself with the most extreme parts of the Republican party – it’s on us to send Jennifer McClellan to Congress if we want to continue the legacy of Congressman McEachin. Can we count on you to step up and help send Jennifer McClellan to Congress?

Virginia Democrats

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Democratic Party of Virginia
PO Box 448
Richmond, VA 23218
United States
Paid for by the Democratic Party of Virginia,
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.