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Extinction Rebellion

Dear John

THANK YOU for backing Extinction Rebellion UK this year. Whether you took action, donated or cheered from the sidelines - your help is making change possible.


Wins in the courts and the board rooms


In 2022 XR UK Actions have targeted the root of climate crime more than ever.

  • In a huge victory for activists HSBC last week announced no new investment in oil and gas fields, following sustained UK-wide XR action against fossil fuel funders
  • Last month 5 XR Scientists were acquitted despite causing criminal damage to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and earlier this year all charges were dropped for those who occupied Shell HQ in April

But it's a mixed picture

  • XR UK’s ‘Barclays 7’ (who, having dared to break windows to highlight Barclays Bank’s continued investment in fossil fuels) are facing up to 18 months in jail in the new year
  • Defying science and sense, the Government has just given the green light on the UK’s first coal mine in 30 years
  • And in 2023 the full force of the Police Crime and Sentencing act, will give the police powers to crack down on protest

So in 2023 we have to be stronger and more tactical than ever.

2023: The Big One


On New Year’s Day the biggest people-powered campaign XR UK has ever attempted will begin.


To succeed around 1000 more monthly donors are needed by the end of the year. Will you be one of them?

A  monthly donation means XR UK can:

  • Support local groups to grow, with outreach materials, training and budget for community talks etc
  • Contribute to expenses for the skilled campaign team, who’ve left paid work to volunteer their time to XR UK
  • Fund legal support for volunteers at risk of arrest
  • Pay for advertising and marketing - essential for getting the message out
  • …and so much more

100,000 people surrounding The Houses of Parliament


With your support, XR UK will join with other groups across the UK, who are sick and tired of the broken politics that are dividing communities, casting the most vulnerable into food and fuel poverty, and driving the planet to extinction.


We're going to build momentum in the countdown to April 21st, when 100,000 people will surround the Houses of Parliament for days on end. We'll create a moment that’s impossible to ignore, until the Government meets demands, including:


Stop all licences for new fossil fuel projects,

Stop subsidising these projects, and

Stop giving tax relief to fossil fuel companies.


History show us this is an effective tactic. In 1989 hundreds of thousands of people gathered peacefully in what was East Berlin and refused to move. Five days later the Berlin Wall came down, with no arrests.


This is our moment for a positive, irreversible, societal tipping point.

Thank you for supporting Extinction Rebellion UK in whatever way you can.


Love, (cou)rage and a very merry Christmas,


Sarah, Extinction Rebellion UK Fundraising team



Donate here to XR UK
Sign up to The Big One in April
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