virginia & more
Dear John,
This time last year, a newly elected Congress took session and we celebrated the introduction of landmark gun safety bills in Congress — the Bipartisan Background Checks Act (H.R. 8) and the Assault Weapons Ban of 2019. But a year later, those lifesaving bills remain stuck before Sen. Mitch McConnell, who refuses to bring them to vote.

Make no mistake, McConnell’s inaction is lethal. Every day he refuses to act, another 100 people in America are killed by gun violence. He has blood on his hands. 

Add your name to demand Mitch McConnell stop blocking universal background checks and an assault weapons ban! >>>

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Brady President Kris Brown (second from left) was proud to join Rep. Mike Thompson for the introduction of the Bipartisan Background Checks Act (H.R. 8) last January. The legislation passed the House on February 27, 2019, but remains blocked by Sen. McConnell.

What are So-Called “Second Amendment Sanctuaries?”

In a backlash to recent wins in gun safety, gun rights extremists in areas across the country are calling themselves so-called “Second Amendment sanctuaries." They are saying they will refuse to enforce and follow new state gun laws. 

The truth? Common-sense gun safety laws don't interfere with the Second Amendment, but they do keep guns away from the hands of those who cannot or should not possess them.

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On Wednesday, Virginia Lawmakers Returned to Session and Already Made Big Progress on Gun Safety Legislation! 

In November, Virginia voters elected a gun violence prevention majority. And only two days into the legislative session, these lawmakers are already delivering on their promises to protect the safety of all Virginians! 

Yesterday, Virginia lawmakers voted to ban firearms at the State Capitol. Before this bill passed, visitors were able to bring concealed firearms into most places of the Capitol with a valid permit. This is a common-sense gun safety measure, plain and simple.

We know this is just the beginning of a powerful legislative session, and we look forward to supporting the Virginia state legislature. As a matter of fact, the Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on a strong package of gun violence reform bills on Monday, including expanded background checks, an extreme risk law, and more! These common-sense gun reform measures will save lives not just in Virginia, but also in surrounding states.

In honor of MLK Day on Monday, January 20, we're joining partners in hosting the 28th Annual Vigil and Day of Action for gun safety in Virginia. If you live in Virginia, sign up to join us!
As we near the 2020 elections, we are hard at work to ensure we elect gun violence prevention champions from state legislatures to the White House. Here’s your 2020 elections update — 

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Did you know: More than 80% of Brady-endorsed candidates in Virginia ran and won on gun violence prevention platforms. This week marked the start of the 2020 Virginia legislative session, where the new gun safety majority is already making progress.Brady Legal Files Briefs in California and Florida

Brady Legal, represented by White & Case, filed an amicus brief in a case challenging a California gun safety law that prevents young adults aged 18-20 from purchasing long guns, including semi-automatic rifles. The plaintiffs claim that this law violates the Second Amendment. Our brief argues that California's law is both a reasonable and lawful public safety measure.

Brady Legal also joined Giffords to oppose an NRA-backed Florida law that threatens gun safety efforts by local officials. The current statute provides that, if a local government enacts firearms regulations, responsible local officials can be held personally liable and fined. In response, several Florida cities and counties sued to overturn the law's penalty positions, claiming the penalties were unconstitutional. They won. But the State of Florida appealed, so now the case is back in court again. On appeal, Brady signed onto a brief, led by Giffords, which supports cities' and counties' right to govern.

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Looking for a New Year’s resolution? Make sure to always practice safe storage! If you own a gun, always store it locked, unloaded, separate from ammo, and out of the reach of children. Keeping guns locked and unloaded reduces the risk of Family Fire by 73 percent. Learn more from our End Family Fire program

DEADLINE TOMORROW: Apply to Join New Team ENOUGH Lobbying Collectives!

When students speak out, legislators listen. We're excited to expand our Team ENOUGH youth-led lobby collective — the only group of its kind in the country. Activists between 13-26 will learn from experts and will make their voices heard in the halls of power. Applications are due Sunday, January 12 at 11:59 PM

Members of the joint Team ENOUGH and March For Our Lives DC Lobby Collective meet with Rep. Lucy McBath, who ran and won on a gun violence prevention platform.

 Back to your regular work commute? Download and subscribe to our podcast, Red, Blue, and Brady!

When Current Events are Triggering
So, if you've been paying attention in the news...everything is on fire. In some cases, literally. And that can be really hard, especially for those who suffer from PTSD. And guns complicate that even more. Listen now

Beyond, and Behind, The Bullet
We ring in the first podcast of 2020 with writer, producer, director, and community organizer Heidi Yewman. Heidi is a long-time Brady member, one who has devoted herself to exploring the multiple and complex narratives that surround gun violence. Listen now

Welcome, 2020
JJ is joined by JP and Brady President Kris Brown. Together, they discuss  all that Brady did this year — and what we resolve to have happen in 2020. Listen nowNine years ago this week, former Arizona representative Gabby Giffords was hosting a constituent event in her district when a gunman approached her table, killed six of her constituents, injured 12 others, and shot her directly in the head.

Gabby continues to work through the life-changing injuries, but it’s clear that they do not define her. She and her husband Mark Kelly launched their organization, Giffords: Courage to Fight Gun Violence, only two years after the shooting. Thanks to Gabby’s courageous actions, the gun violence prevention movement has been galvanized with new partners and activists, who have fought tirelessly to end gun violence.

Send a tweet today thanking @GabbyGiffords for having the endless courage to say #Enough to gun violence. D.C. Recovered 115 Ghost Guns in 2019, Up From 25 the Year Before, Washington City Paper 

Why This North Carolina Official Voted to Make His County a ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary,’ Courier 

Lincoln County Commissioners Pass Resolution to be a Second Amendment Sanctuary, WCNC

GOP Candidates Seize on Gun Rights Movement Sweeping Across Virginia, Roll Call

Florida, National Groups Take Aim At Gun Law, CBS Miami“We are not talking about a grassroots movement. We are talking about a dangerous push from the gun lobby to remain relevant.” 

Brady Vice President of Policy Christian Heyne on so-called "Second Amendment Sanctuaries"



Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
United States


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