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Dear Friend,
Tell Grant Robertson to Freeze Fuel
Taxes ⛽💲

After a very successful Taxpayers' Union campaign earlier
this year, the Government cut fuel taxes by 25c per litre (that's 29c
once you include the GST). This policy victory saw a $1.39 billion ($715 per Kiwi
household) saving at the pump.
But as an early Christmas present, Grant Robertson has announced
that the Government will hike taxes in two stages in February and
March next year. With inflation still at more than 7 percent, we say
this tax hike will hit New Zealanders hard and simply push the cost of
living up further.
Based on the
current price of oil and processing, these tax hikes will see Kiwis
return to paying more than half the cost at the pump in

Grant Robertson and other opponents of the reduction make the claim
that non-road users are 'subsidizing' the cost of petrol for car
drivers, but this is nonsense on stilts. Actually, road users are
subsiding the costs of rail travel, walking, and cycle ways, and
ineffective campaigns like Road to Zero through the National Land
Transport Fund (which fuel taxes are paid into).
Demand the Government to freeze fuel taxes until inflation
is back under control and the tax is used for motorists

set up an online action form to make it easy for taxpayers to write to
Finance Minister, Grant Robertson, and tell him how a fuel tax hike
now will affect you and your family.
New Zealand used to pride itself in ring fencing money raised from
fuel taxes to spending on roads. But as politicians have raided the
National Land Transport Fund to fund their pet projects, you're now
paying for everything from advertising campaigns Government 'Road to Zero'
propaganda to expensive cycleways no one uses. We say that until motorists' money
is spent entirely on roads, taxes should not be
Send the Government a message
at <<
Stop the Clock: Government debt
continues to climb 💰⏰

Last week, the Treasury opened the books as part of the Half
Year Economic and Fiscal Update. The Update reports on progress
against the fiscal and economic projections published in May's
We sent our economist down to Treasury to go through the fine
detail in the media and analyst lock up. His analysis was damning:
Despite tax revenue
being at record-high levels, and above projections, Grant Robertson
continues to spend even more money than budgeted, and far more than is
being raised in taxes. That means the Debt Clock is running hotter
than ever.
While it is easy to understand why government might have expanded
during the pandemic, there is no justification for the current high
spending. The public service has ballooned in the past five years but
the growth in managers has far outpaced frontline workers and New
Zealanders have seen no improvement in the delivery of public
With the Official New Zealand Government Debt Clock updated to
reflect the latest figures, you can watch
in real time how much the Government is adding to your household's
It'll be our kids and grandkids who will be forced to pay for all
this spending in the years to come – plus interest on top. We say the
Government needs to tackle its addiction to spending – and
Ahead of next year’s election, we will be putting pressure on all
parties to show how they will balance the books and set out exactly
how they will pay for new spending pledges or tax cuts.
ACT and Indexation: An Apology 🥺🙏🙇
In our last newsletter, we shared an
opinion piece by our one of our interns, Connor Molloy,
which outlines why we think ACT has got it wrong with its opposition
to tax bracket indexation. In that opinion piece, Connor mentioned
David Seymour's support for Simon Bridges's indexation bill as an
example of how ACT's policy on this issue has shifted.
David Seymour got in touch to point out that he made clear in his
speech that his support for Bridges's bill at first reading was
conditional on an amendment that would use the revenue earnt from
fiscal drag to lower the top tax rate and flatten the tax system. He
is quite correct and this particular criticism was unfair and we
apologize for the oversight.

No taxation without indexation 💸 ‼ 🪧
Looking into this issue a bit further, however, we did come across
remarks made by one David Seymour in an
earlier parliamentary debate back in 2016 when he posited the
question 'since when did a centre-right government support fiscal
creep as a means of raising revenue?' and stated that 'This
Government should be indexing tax brackets to inflation'.
We also stumbled across a
2017 ACT press release where Seymour has another go at
National for 'refus[ing] to permanently tie brackets to
Now that ACT are resolutely opposed to tax bracket indexation, we
will leave it up to you, dear reader, to decide whether or not its
position has changed. Was our
young researcher wrong to allege a U-Turn?
Either way, until ACT reverts back to its previous policy of a flat
tax, bracket creep will continue under whatever reformed tax system it
proposes. The principle therefore still stands and your humble
Taxpayers' Union still believes ACT is mistaken to oppose
End of year Taxpayer Talk with Peter Williams: Hon.
Ruth Richardson and Jordan Williams 🎙️

In this year's final episode of Taxpayer Talk, Peter
Williams hosts fellow Taxpayers' Union board members Hon.
Ruth Richardson and Executive Director, Jordan Williams, to review the
highs and lows of 2022.
As a former Minister of Finance, Ruth is well placed to provide
analysis of the political year, the state of the economy and the
Reserve Bank.
Jordan provides an insight of the year inside the Taxpayers'
Union and gives his predictions on what the big issues will be in
to the episode | Apple | Spotify | Google Podcasts | iHeart Radio
This is my last Taxpayer Update for the year so may I take
this opportunity to wish you and your family a very merry
Thank you for your support throughout 2022 and best wishes for the
new year.
Yours aye,
Purves Campaigns Manager New Zealand
Taxpayers’ Union.

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the Government apologise for Dome Valley?
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Soper: political editor on the Government making decisions on oil and
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