Institute for Community Alliances - Alaska
Sheltered and Unsheltered PIT/HIC 2023
Alaska’s annual Sheltered Point-in-Time (PIT) and Housing Inventory Count (HIC) are approaching. This email contains important information explaining why the Sheltered PIT and HIC are important, how to prepare for the event, important dates to be aware of, and more.
What is the Sheltered Point-in-Time and Housing Inventory Counts?
The Sheltered PIT and HIC is an annual event that allows our communities to
take stock of the residential space available for members of the community who are experiencing homelessness. By counting all persons who were in a homeless, residential project (emergency shelter, safe haven, transitional housing, rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, or other permanent housing for homeless persons) on the night of the event, we are also able to
measure the demographics of those served by homeless services on the date of this state-wide event.
When is the Sheltered PIT and HIC Count?
This year’s PIT and HIC event will take place at sunset, the night of January 30th.
How do we prepare for the Sheltered PIT and HIC Count?
ICA will be recording training to review how to conduct the
SHELTERED count for HMIS and Non-HMIS projects
. The video will be sent to agencies that operate one of the following:
- Emergency Shelter
- Transitional Housing
- Rapid Rehousing
- Permanent Supportive Housing
- Other Permanent Housing
What is the Unsheltered Point-in-Time and Housing Inventory Counts?
Unsheltered PIT is an annual event that allows our communities to
count people who are living in places not meant for human habitation.
Who to Count?
Unsheltered PIT counts
individuals and families with a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings, including a car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, airport, or camping ground.
When is the Unsheltered PIT and HIC Count?
This year’s
Unsheltered PIT event will take place at sunset, the night of January 30th.
How do we prepare for the Unsheltered PIT Count?
The Balance of State CoC and Anchorage CoC will be leading the unsheltered count. Be on the lookout for further training information. ICA will be working with the CoC’s on the collection of the
Unsheltered data.
Be on the lookout for more information to come!