A message from our sponsor

American Center for Law and Justice

Our national security is at risk. It's time to build the wall.

Join 200,000+ who support national security. Sign the petition telling Congress we need a wall!

Sign the Petition

It appears that some in Congress despise the president more than they care about our nation and will stop at nothing to deny the administration a win—even if a proposal is in the best interest of all the people involved. Many of our representatives turn a blind eye to the suffering people and overworked border personnel, rather than address the reality of conditions on the border. Because they oppose any type of border barrier, many are willing to sacrifice the well-being of those held at the border and the weary and over-worked border agents who try to bring order out of this chaos.

The world is watching. And so are the American people. We need a comprehensive fix to the situation on the southern border.

At the ACLJ, we are aggressively mobilizing on Capitol Hill, urging Congress to fund the wall. Our lawyers are preparing for the looming legal battles over the President's National Emergency declaration. We will be filing amicus briefs to defend our national security during this national emergency.

We must build the wall. We must defend our border security. Take action with us.

Sign the petition to secure the border and build the wall now!

Jay Sekulow
Chief Counsel, American Center for Law and Justice

Sign the Petition

American Center for Law and Justice

The ACLJ is an organization dedicated to the defense of constitutional liberties secured by law. American Center for Law and Justice is a d/b/a for Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism, Inc., a tax-exempt, not-for-profit, religious corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, specifically dedicated to the ideal that religious freedom and freedom of speech are inalienable, God-given rights. The Center's purpose is to engage legal, legislative and cultural issues by implementing an effective strategy of advocacy, education and litigation to ensure that those rights are protected under the law. The organization has participated in numerous cases before the Supreme Court, Federal Court of Appeals, Federal District Courts, and various state courts regarding freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Your gift is very much appreciated and fully deductible as a charitable contribution. A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained by writing to us at P.O. Box 90555, Washington, DC 20090-0555.


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