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Our work continues...

Dear John,

The holidays are approaching and 2022 is coming to a close. It’s been a busy year so I’m really looking forward to visiting my family. I’m sure many of you are, too. For some in our community though, traveling is filled with frustrations or worse, not at all possible.

Portrait of Marlene Sallo, a Latino woman with short dark hair. She is wearing a black top and stands outside in front of green leaves and foliage.

All year long we read stories about airlines damaging or losing wheelchairs. About people spending hours on planes and trains without using the bathroom because it is not accessible. We received reports that rideshare services left people who are blind on the street because they were accompanied by a guide dog. To put it bluntly, transportation for people with disabilities can be a nightmare, sometimes even dangerous.

That’s why NDRN fought with the airline industry, rail service, and ride-share companies over and over again this year. But the transportation industry can be stubborn and continue to put profits over people. It’s outrageous and I pledge to you that we will keep advocating until our nation’s transportation systems are accessible to all Americans. No one should miss out on spending time with loved ones, especially during the holidays.

A gift of $25 today will go a long way toward making transportation accessible to people with disabilities.

For me, this time of year is a time for reflection. A chance to look at our achievements and to also examine opportunities to increase our impact.

In addition to our transportation work, we released two groundbreaking reports on the rights of students with disabilities. Out from the Shadows exposed how schools across the country remove students with disabilities from the classroom using illegal practices known as informal removals. In Problems with Threat Assessments, NDRN and other civil rights groups examined the real-world harm created when school officials see the students themselves – particularly Black and Brown students – as potential dangers to the school community. These reports received national press and caught the attention of Congress and the Biden Administration. You can find them both on our website.

Help us continue this work in 2023 by donating $5, $10, $25, or more today.

This year NDRN was also part of a nationwide effort to educate people about COVID-19 and to vaccinate people with disabilities and others at-risk of severe illness or death. We created educational videos. Our members held vaccination clinics across the country. We successfully advocated for accessible home testing kits. And we supported a nationwide phone line to provide Americans with disabilities accurate and reliable information about vaccines and independent living. All this work resulted in one thing: lives saved. But the pandemic is not over. There is so much more to do.

As I complete my first three months at NDRN, I leave you with this promise: As long as I’m here, all people with disabilities will have representation, everywhere. We will have a seat at the table and a voice in Washington, DC and in communities across the country. NDRN will spend next year doing what we always do—fighting for the civil and human rights of people with disabilities. Every day of every month. All year.

Your ongoing support throughout the year would be enormously encouraging and greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support for NDRN and for people with disabilities everywhere.


Marlene Sallo
Executive Director

PS. I know that your mailbox is jammed packed with requests for support from many worthwhile causes. As you make your year-end contributions, remember donations to the National Disability Rights Network are tax-deductible.

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National Disability Rights Network
820 First Street NE Suite 740 | Washington, District of Columbia 20002
(202) 408-9514 | [email protected]

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