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End Trafficking, Before It Starts

Support ECPAT-USA 

ECPAT-USA is committed to the prevention of commercial child sexual exploitation and trafficking. Our peer-to-peer interactions and facilitated workshops help protect kids, reducing their vulnerability to sex traffickers and online sexual abuse materials. Our free, multilingual training and online safety guides give schools, parents, and guardians critical skills for online privacy and the tough conversations that protect kids. Our goal: help protect every kid, in every school. 
“I enjoyed giving feedback to the Education Department on their youth program, and I appreciated the fact that they were focused on making sure that their workshops and presentations were created and modified by young people like me and my teammates.”---- N.C. 2022 Summer Intern
Our work protecting children like N.C. and her classmates takes place in schools and communities, on Capitol Hill, and through private sector partnerships. It is possible only with your support. 
The Need is Urgent - Make Your Gift by December 31. 
We thank you for your consideration and contribution.

End Trafficking before it Starts
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