Friend, this is urgent:
We emailed you just a few days ago requesting your support to stand with Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett… but not enough Patriots stepped up to help.
This is serious: the Liberal Mob is rushing to collect hundreds of thousands of signatures to remove our beloved Conservative Supreme Court justice and REPLACE her with a Liberal activist appointed by Joe Biden! But it gets even worse: Big Democrat names are now calling her nomination “illegitimate” laying the groundwork for EXPELLING her!
Trust us, the Liberal Mob isn’t wasting a second. They’re gaining lots -- possibly thousands -- of new supporters every single day.
Respond right now and help us save Amy Coney Barrett before it’s too late.
Thank you,
Breaking Supreme Court Update
Sent via Team Scalise
To see our original communication to you about this crisis, read the following message:
Forwarded Message: Amy Coney Barrett forced off the Supreme Court bench??
INTERCEPTED: The Far-Left’s petition to impeach beloved Conservative Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett!
Far-Left Democrats have almost reached their goal -- we have to move NOW. We need 20,000 Patriots to go on the record and STAND WITH Amy Coney Barrett RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW >>
This story is developing in real time. Democrats were FURIOUS when Republicans appointed Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. They knew she would stand up for our Pro-Life values, 2nd Amendment Rights, and religious freedoms.
Now, Democrats are trying any desperate attempt to force Amy Coney Barrett off the court and replace her with a Far-Left Radical!
If Democrats take control of the Supreme Court, they’ll destroy our Conservative legacy in the blink of an eye.
We can’t let them get away with sidelining one of our best Supreme Court Justices.
Thank you,
Sent via Team Scalise
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