"We Are Going to Kill You and Destroy Your Church": The Persecution of Christians, November 2022
by Raymond Ibrahim • December 21, 2022 at 5:30 am
Without any prior notice, government authorities bulldozed the church and homes of 200 Christians in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, leaving them homeless. "The timing is particularly concerning, coming so soon after costly and devastating floods, and with winter already here and temperatures plummeting." — The Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement, November 26, 2022.
108 Medieval and early modern Armenian monasteries, churches and cemeteries, between 1997 and 2011, have already experienced "complete destruction," according to Caucasus Heritage Watch. "[N]ew satellite imagery....showed how a monastery, more than 700 years old , was destroyed, then re-erected as a mosque. — theartnewspaper.com, November 25, 2022, Azerbaijan.
"There has been a marked uptick in religiously motivated attacks by Palestinian Muslims on Christians in Bethlehem..... The Palestinian Authority, responsible for security in the area, did nothing." — Israel365.com, November 21, 2022.
"I want to burn Christianity ... we have incinerators and holocausts like Hitler, a lesson from history.... I swear to Allah we will cause chaos and kill the non-believers.... Whoever is not happy, a bullet in their head, I don't want a single person alive who would oppose Sharia." — Tarek Namouz, 42, a barber shop owner in London who, on seven separate occasions, sent £25,000 to ISIS fighters in Syria, Daily Mail, December 15, 2022.
"We will escalate the war against you until you submit to Islam... Our desire is to kill you or be killed, for we are martyrs before Allah, so submit or run from us." -- Message on social media addressed to "the Mozambican crusader army," it also targeted Christians and Jews, whom it offered "three choices: submit to Islam, pay tax [jizya], or accept endless war." — Zitamar News; November, 18, 2022, Mozambique
"Even when an abducted girl is found by police she will not be returned to her family. Instead she is sent to a Women's refuge centre that is meant to be impartial but is corruptible. Muslim rapists or their friends gain access to these protective centres and threaten to kill the girl and her family unless she states she willingly married the Muslim man.... Christian children are bullied in school and even killed for their faith. This prevents Christian families sending them to school which perpetuates levels of illiteracy. .... Provincial Curriculum text books caricature and demonize Christians and other minorities." — British Asian Christian Association, November 27, 2022, Pakistan.

The following are among the murders and abuses Muslims inflicted on Christians throughout the month of November 2022:
The Muslim Slaughter of Christians
Nigeria: Muslim terrorists slaughtered "at least" 40 Christians in Plateau and Kaduna states alone, according to an end of month report published on Nov. 30. They also wounded at least 20 Christians, burned down a village church and many Christian homes. One of the Christians murdered was originally abducted and held for ransom. His brother shared the treacherous outcome: