Local Government Finance Settlement 2023/24
The government yesterday published its consultation on the Local Government Finance Settlement for 2023/24. The consultation will last for 4 weeks (from 19 December
2022 to 16 January 2023.)
The Provisional Settlement would see £5 billion made available overall (in England) in extra
resources, with overall core spending power set to rise to £59 billion in 2023/24.
London Councils is examining the settlement in detail and will be sending a briefing to members on the consultation shortly. |
London's Boroughs prepared for the cold weather
In light of the recent cold weather and dropping
temperatures, London Councils’ Executive Member for Climate Change, Environment and Transport, Mayor Philip Glanville, said: “As we saw last week, London boroughs were prepared for the
winter season and continue to stand ready to support our communities through
the cold weather when it returns. “As the cost of living crisis continues and winter sets in,
boroughs are also working with the voluntary sector to get rough sleepers into
emergency shelters, operating local warm banks and looking out for vulnerable
residents through our social care teams. “London boroughs and their staff are working flat out to ensure
their most important routes are free of frost and ice and safe for all road
users across the capital. They have a particular focus on key areas around
public transport, infrastructure and town centres, as well as listening to
Londoners about other priorities such as pavements and cycle routes." |
Adult Social Care Innovation Fund
London Councils raises concerns over prisoner release policy
London Councils Executive Member for Community Safety and Violence Against Women & Girls, Cllr Jas Athwal, has written to the Justice Secretary Dominic Raab seeking answers as to why Jordan McSweeney, with his 28 prior convictions for 69 offences, was released from prison days before murdering Redbridge resident Zara Aleena.
Serial offender Jordan McSweeney has been sentenced to a
minimum of 38 years for sexually assaulting and murdering 35-year-old aspiring
lawyer Zara Aleena in Ilford, east London. |
Your next Key Issues will be in your inbox on Wednesday 11 January 2023. In the meantime, from everyone at London Councils, we wish you a very Happy Christmas. |
DLUHC confirms 9% increase in funding package for 2023-24 LGC |
Community engagement in a post-Covid age The MJ |
Over 120,000 children spending Xmas homeless LocalGov |
Paul Drechsler: Government must reframe its attitude to
London for the good of all the UK OnLondon |
Fears as ministers eye rising council reserves The MJ |