I know you're busy, John, but I need to bump Liz's message.

Liz and I have a lot in common, but it’s because we’re in a club that no one wants to be a part of: Both our mothers were murdered in senseless acts of gun violence. So this work is personal to us and we lead at Brady because we know how vital this work is.

Like Liz, I struggle with holidays too. These next few days will be especially painful — a pain I can't fathom allowing anyone else to feel, knowing we can prevent tragedies like these. That's why I'm humbly asking for your help now.

This is a time for keeping loved ones close and we’re doing the life-saving work to ensure gun violence won’t tear families apart. So please: Can we count on you to step up and donate right now to help Brady keep fighting to end gun violence for good?

Your support means a lot.

Thank you,

Christian Heyne
Gun Violence Survivor and Vice President of Policy & Programs, Brady

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Liz Dunning
Subject: I know I'm not alone