Hi Friend,

I don’t know about you, but my to-do list in December often feels like it’s a mile long. There are presents to wrap, travel to prepare for, and holiday parties to attend. It really is the most wonderful time of the year. 

But it sure is busy. 

Let me help you take one item off of your to-do list: Your year-end giving. 

In just a few clicks, you can support our work at Independent Women’s Forum. We have very exciting plans for 2023 – plans we can execute only with your support.

When I started working at IWF 13 years ago as an unpaid college intern, I would have never thought that we would grow to now have four policy centers, shaping the conversation on important issues by providing congressional testimony, telling the personal stories of how public policies affect people in the real world, and appearing in national media to debate and discuss. 

In 2023, we plan to launch TWO new policy centers: one on energy prosperity and another on safety and national security.
Nor would I have imagined that we would grow to have 18 active IWN chapters nationwide, connecting women in their states and communities and empowering them to make a difference. Next year, we will expand IWN to even more states and cities, so that more women can find connection, access resources, and effect change at the local level, where it often matters most. 

When I started at IWF, we didn’t have a podcast. Now we have four podcast programs, with a fifth to launch on January 24. And we didn’t have model legislation turn into bills that are advancing around the country, but now our Women’s Bill of Rights has the support of attorneys general in ten states, more than a dozen Congressional sponsors, is being introduced by at least 5 states in the next legislative session, and I know it will continue to pick up support in 2023. 
Truth be told, most of IWF’s growth has happened in only the last few years, as we have strategically expanded our staff and our fellowship program, and with the 2021 launch of our grassroots community, Independent Women’s Network. I know we can now grow exponentially, because we’ve been working hard to position ourselves, both internally and externally, for even bigger impact.

YOU can make an impact. Your tax-deductible donation will help us take our work to the next level in 2023.

Go ahead and click here, mark IWF off of your Christmas gift list. 

Your gift – really your investment – will be matched by a generous supporter and count DOUBLE. 

Friend, help make our 2023 goals become reality.