Dear John,
I couldn’t let the year end without thanking YOU! Your support this year has helped us reach new heights and ensure our work here at Caring Across marches forward.
Help us keep the momentum for care going in 2023.
What an incredible year 2022 has been for care!
The many artists and storytellers involved in our campaigns are amplifying our message to new audiences. Right now, celebrities like P-Valley’s Brandee Evans and our good friends Seth and Lauren Miller Rogen at Hilarity for Charity are speaking the good care word.
Caregiving affects all of us at some point in our lives — which is why our work is so important.
Support our ability to keep movement building today.

A better care system will ensure that care workers, family caregivers, older adults, and people with disabilities aren’t left behind. Families shouldn’t have to choose between paying for food for the week or gas to drive their loved ones to the doctor.
We need your help today to grow our movement even more than we already have so we can win paid leave, affordable child care, and accessible home and community-based services for all.
John, this collaborative effort is only possible because of the generous support of individuals like yourselves who understand the importance of this movement. Make your gift while there’s still time in 2022!
To each of you, your families, and loved ones — thank you for believing in us and being a part of everything we do.
Cheers to wishing you a lovely holiday season and a very happy New Year.
With Care,
Ai-jen Poo
Executive Director
Caring Across Generations