A holiday message wouldn't be complete without conveying
the gratitude A Voice for Choice Advocacy feels for YOU!
Let us give thanks during this holiday season and while spending time with friends and families, set positive intentions for the New Year with respect to legislation in California.
In California, 2022 was a year filled with "Bad" legislation and Reactive Activism, which for the most part was defeated, thanks to your efforts donating, writing and meeting with your representatives to voice your concerns. A Voice for Choice Advocacy will continue to lead the way in Empowering You to make a difference in Medical Freedom legislation in California, and pave the way for Proactive Legislation in 2023!
As the year comes to an end, please consider a financial gift to A Voice for Choice Advocacy. We have hired staff to help ensure our voices are truly heard in the state capitol and beyond. We need your support to keep advocating so that we continue to have health freedom.
Every year, A Voice for Choice Advocacy has had hundreds of meetings with legislators and staffers, to try to stop or amend the “BAD Bills” and to get "Good Bills" authored in CA. In order to keep on top of all these meetings and ensure we are getting into offices, AVFCA has a strong team of four dedicated to working on CA legislation. The four of us work tirelessly on your behalf to get meetings with legislators and committee staff to have an open dialogue on these important issues, as well as Empower YOU through our grassroots Action Alerts so that our movement can have the greatest positive impact possible!
While our lobbyists and our Legislative Director are fairly compensated, they are A Voice for Choice Advocacy’s largest annual expense. They are worth their weight in gold, but we need your help to ensure we can keep them working for us.
Give 5 for the Holidays! Whether it's $5, $50, $500 or $5,000...please give to A Voice for Choice Advocacy this holiday season, so we can continue doing this critical work!
This week, your donation will go twice as far thanks to a matching donation from one of our major donors.
For those not wanting to give through PayPal (we are looking to use another vendor in the near future), you can send a check, use Venmo or use Zelle:
Send Check to: A Voice for Choice Advocacy, 530 Showers Drive #7404, Mountain View CA 94040
Send Venmo to: @avoiceforchoice (Note: you have to search under "Business" to find us)
Send Zelle to: [email protected]
For other ways to donate and support A Voice for Choice, please go to our website: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/donate
Thank you in advance for your generosity. Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
