Insider News from the Political Revolution!
HEADLINES: 2022 Recap | Battles Ahead: Climate, M4A, Worker Power & More | Dirty Deal Dies Again | Fund the NLRB! | Defending Democracy | Party Power | & MORE! ★ ★ ★ A SPECIAL NOTE TO OUR REVOLUTION SUPPORTERS Thank you. If you donated, volunteered, joined a rally, or took action in 2022, you helped make it a year of advancement for the progressive movement. Despite painful blows from corporate Dems and Republicans, we’ve made policy gains we can build on in the year to come — on climate, drug pricing, and more. And, together, we overcame right wing and big money interests to flip a Senate seat in PA, win the Georgia Runoff, and elect 9 new House progressives. READ OUR 2022 RECAP BELOW We’re fighting to the end in 2022 to Fund the NLRB and Stop Manchin’s Dirty Deal, but many important battles lie ahead. Our Revolution has an exciting year planned in 2023 — from building local power and labor power to the fights for wages, housing, Medicare for All, and more. Stay tuned for the return of the Revolution Report on January 7th, 2023! And kick off the New Year with us on our National Organizing Call on January 9th! We truly appreciate your support of Our Revolution and hope you’ll consider becoming a member. Recurring monthly donations provide the stable resources we need to invest for 2023. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ CHANGE CAN’T WAIT Members of Our Revolution are making change happen. Against intense corporate opposition, our inside-outside strategy is moving the ball forward, but the clock is ticking. In 2022, we put our demands on the table and got Congress to take steps to tax corporations, let Medicare negotiate drug prices with Big Pharma, and invest in renewable energy. We also saw a right wing Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade and we saw Democratic leadership cave to corporations to force a contract on rail workers and water down the legislation we did get. People and the planet can’t wait. We’re forging the strongest, most effective movement we can to make our government empower workers, expand democracy, deliver on healthcare, and save the planet. We must organize to win, and that requires people-power. Join as an active member of Our Revolution to help us scale up for the tough fights in 2023. ★ ★ ★ 2023 EXECUTIVE ACTIONS In 2022, President Biden used executive action to expunge federal marijuana convictions, enact gun safety measures, and try to pass student debt relief. With a Republican House in 2023, he needs to do much more, starting with paid sick days for rail workers. Biden can hold corporations accountable for price gouging, wage theft, workplace safety and retaliation — and ensure union rights for federal contractors. He can also ban drilling on federal lands, stop fossil fuel exports, reduce healthcare/drug costs, close the carried interest loophole, and reverse Trump-era offshore tax loopholes. “If you think you’re going to rest on what you achieved so far, which is a step forward but not enough by any stretch, then we’ll have a serious problem in 2024,” Our Revolution comms and campaigns director Paco Fabian told The Hill. ★ ★ ★ CLIMATE Our Revolution remains at the forefront of the climate fight, partnering with Greenpeace and a coalition of 754 groups to defeat Manchin’s Dirty Deal three times. The renewable energy investments we got in the IRA are just a start. And, we’re ramping up our work to end fossil field subsidies — especially as they gouge us at the pump and rake in record profits! This year, President Biden enacted the Defense Production Act to spur domestic clean energy production, but that same day rewarded fossil fuel companies with a $10B tax break by suspending the gas tax. ★ ★ ★ DIRTY DEAL GOES DOWN! Because we can rely on the recurring donations from our grassroots supporters, Our Revolution activists were able to jump into rapid response to stop Manchin’s Dirty Deal THREE TIMES this year. Every time this zombie bill reared its ugly head, we mobilized our networks to mount a pressure campaign and demonstrate citizen opposition. Thank you to all who rallied with us on Capitol Hill and mobilized thousands of calls to Congress to stop this toxic deal to fast-track fossil fuel projects and gut protections for frontline communities. We joined our outside organizing work with support from elected leaders like US Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ro Khanna in this fight, showing how our inside-outside strategy can win. Recurring donations give us the stable resources we can count on to jump into rapid response as policy fights and opportunities arise. ★ ★ ★ WORKER POWER 2022 was a big year for Labor — in spite of blows from corporate politicians blocking the PRO Act and siding with the bosses against rail workers. Our Revolution activists proudly joined Amazon, Starbucks, and other workers at protests and on picket lines, but we’ve also been organizing to win policies that build worker power. ★ ★ ★ Last summer, Our Revolution mobilized calls to flip CA State Senate votes, pressured Gov. Gavin Newsom, and joined with half a million fast food workers to win AB 257. This is a BIG deal! An industry-wide workers’ council is a step toward sectoral bargaining, and we can use this as a template for other states around the country. Our work with striking Maximus call center workers — seeking better pay and wages — will continue in 2023 as we won’t let Biden forget the need to help federal contractors unionize. ★ ★ ★ MAKE AMAZON PAY On Black Friday, Our Revolution led actions in cities across America as part of a global effort to Make Amazon Pay — pay their workers, their taxes, and for their climate damage. In NYC, we protested outside of Jeff Bezos’ penthouse; and in Washington DC, we rallied at Amazon Fresh. We stood in solidarity with 80 unions and groups striking and rallying in 32 countries — from Bangladesh to Germany to Colombia. ★ ★ ★ FUND THE NLRB! Last week, Our Revolution activists rallied at the Capitol with labor leaders and the Worker Power Coalition, demanding $368B to fund the National Labor Relations Board. We were joined by House progressives Andy Levin, AOC, Jamaal Bowman, Ilhan Omar, and Ro Khanna, who spoke on the need to give workers a fighting chance in 2023. “The fact we have to draw attention to this issue shows what’s fundamentally wrong,” Our Revolution Exec Director Joseph Geevarghese told TIME at the Capitol. “The Democratic Party is not in touch with its working class roots.” ★ ★ ★ Our movement worked hard in 2022 to expand Medicare because ultimately this country must have a single-payer Medicare for All system. We got first steps for Medicare to negotiate drug prices in the IRA, but corporate Dems blocked dental, hearing and vision expansion. Giving up is not an option. Our Revolution organizers are growing federal support by flipping Reps like Donald Norcross (NJ-1) to join the 120 cosponsors of Medicare for All in the U.S. House — the most ever! We look forward to Medicare for All being reintroduced in Congress this spring, and we’re supporting statewide M4A programs in NY, WA, and CA. Other fights this year included backing Bernie’s push for expanding social security, a windfall profits tax, busting big tech with antitrust bills, saving the postal service, and ending U.S. support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen. Sign-up as a member for as little as $5 a month, and help us continue the fight for climate, labor, Medicare for All, and more in the year to come. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Thanks to our grassroots funders and volunteers, Our Revolution maximized the 2022 midterms to alter the political terrain on which we fight for issues. Without our movement going to the polls, Democrats would not have fended off a red wave or held the Senate. We helped Senator Warnock win the Georgia Runoff and flipped a Senate seat with John Fetterman running as a progressive populist in Pennsylvania. We proved in the 2022 elections that progressive policy and organizing are a roadmap for victory. Making nearly 5 million direct voter contacts, Our Revolution mobilized progressive, working class, and young voters who were the margin of victory in key races. ★ ★ ★ Nine new Our Revolution-backed progressives are heading to the US House! — Summer Lee, Greg Casar, Delia Ramirez, Maxwell Frost, Becca Balint, Andrea Salinas, Jasmine Crockett, Jonathan Jackson, and Val Hoyle. “We will have a historic number of progressives in Congress,” said US Rep-elect Our Revolution member Greg Casar (TX-35). While many candidates were the targets of billionaires and SuperPACs, progressives continue to adapt and improve our strategy with every election cycle. “Despite major efforts by outside spending groups to move the Party to the right, the leftward push continues,” Slate wrote. ★ ★ ★ BUILDING DOWN BALLOT POWER At Our Revolution, we know the critical importance of state and local power to our lives and the success of our larger movement. In 2022, our supporters elected mayors, city counselors and county commissioners from coast to coast — and in 2023, we’ll be organizing our progressive blocs into action. In one of the most-watched state races of 2022, Minnesota AG Keith Ellison proved you can take on corporate criminals, prosecute the police officer who murdered George Floyd, and win re-election! Keith was a main target of the far right on criminal justice — and standing up to corporate power has earned him powerful enemies — but our volunteers made 100,000+ calls to MN voters and Keith held his seat by 20,000 votes! “Thanks to Our Revolution, we’re going to continue our work to make sure folks can afford their lives and live with dignity, safety, and respect — every day,” Keith said. ★ ★ ★ In St. Louis, Missouri, Our Revolution has spent multiple election cycles growing a progressive majority that now controls the mayor’s office and city board — and it’s in Cori Bush’s district (MO-1)! This year, we helped power the grassroots campaign of former Bernie delegate Megan Green to become President of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen against a wave of big developer cash. With a bloc of progressives now at the helm in St. Louis, we’re positioned to operate a progressive city in 2023. To make change, we need more power — on the inside and outside. Become a member of Our Revolution to fund critical election work in 2023. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution led efforts to defend democracy in 2022 — from our work on voting rights to our legal challenges against rightwing extremists like Lauren Boebert, Jim Jordan and others. We mobilized rallies and public calls to secretaries of state to uphold the Constitution and bar insurrectionists from the ballot. As a result, Marjorie Taylor-Greene was grilled under oath in a Georgia court. And, of course, Donald Trump has also disqualified himself from serving in government. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution leaders continue to deepen our work within the Democratic Party, where we‘ve created the largest progressive bloc ever. This is about building institutional power, and we’re remaking politics from the inside out. This year, OR board members Larry Cohen and Jane Kleeb led a push to get dark money out of the DNC and modernize the Party to be more democratic and transparent. Since 2016, we’ve eliminated superdelegates on the first ballot, created the first-ever DNC Climate Council, and grown progressive leadership in state and local parties. “People think of the DNC as something party elites and consultants do,” Jane said on our National Organizing Call in March, “but it is and should be made up of people who get elected up from the grassroots.” ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Become a sustaining member of Our Revolution for just $5/mo. and get your official membership card. For $10, get our collectible sticker 6-pack — $15, get the stickers + a poster — $27, get both + a tote bag — $50, get it ALL + a T-shirt! BECOME A MOVEMENT BUILDER ★ ★ ★ WHEN WE ORGANIZE, WE WIN! ★ ★ ★
