Following the historic number of Supreme Court scandals this year Congress must investigate the corruption & misconduct rampant within the Court.



The Supreme Court has lost the trust of the majority of Americans. And after everything that’s happened in 2022, it’s no wonder why.


This year we’ve seen a historic number of scandals coming out of the Supreme Court — all involving the right-wing extremists on the bench. From conflicts of interest related to the insurrection and reports of a leaked high-stakes opinion, the far-right justices are rapidly burning through any remaining shred of legitimacy left in the institution.

We deserve to know that our nation’s highest Court is free from undue influence. Sign our petition: Congress must investigate the misconduct rampant within the Supreme Court.


Let’s start with the elephant in the room: Clarence and Ginni Thomas. I know I’ve sent you more than a few emails about them this year, but Clarence Thomas’ aversion to even pretending to behave ethically is staggering. 


Ginni Thomas was at the "Stop the Steal" rally on January 6 and sent text messages to Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows urging him to overturn the 2020 election results. She also contacted elected officials in Wisconsin and Arizona with the same request. 


But somehow, despite all of this, Clarence Thomas has refused to recuse himself from cases related to the insurrection. He was also the only justice to dissent from the Court's decision not to block the release of White House records about the attack. Meanwhile, his wife, Ginni Thomas, was texting Mark Meadows and encouraging a coup.  


Then there’s Samuel Alito. Last month a blockbuster report alleged that he leaked the 2014 Burwell v. Hobby Lobby decision — which allowed businesses to deny coverage of birth control to their workers — to right-wing donors. Moreover, that reporting uncovered a decades-long lobbying campaign by wealthy right-wing activists to “stiffen the resolve of the court’s conservatives in taking uncompromising stances that could eventually lead to a reversal of Roe.”


The right-wing Court is facing a legitimacy crisis, but it’s one that it has brought on itself. Cruel decisions stripping us of our human rights and scandals like the ones above only further undermine public trust in the institution at a time when its public approval is at a historic low.


Add your name: The Supreme Court clearly cannot be trusted to police itself. Congress must conduct an investigation into misconduct at the Court.


More than ever these shocking scandals have blown up the integrity of the current Court, raising massive concerns about the unseemly behavior of these hard-right justices.  


Given the dark cloud of illegitimacy hovering over this stolen Court, we need Congress to act immediately with systemic reforms to stave off the stench of corruption. Join us and urge the Congress to investigate the corruption and ethical misconduct rampant within the Supreme Court.

Thanks again for all you do to save our democracy,


Obet Montalvo

Digital Manager, Take Back the Court Action Fund