Dear John,
I begin this message with a call-to-action.
As detailed in their November 18, 2022 Wall Street Journal Op-Ed “‘Housing First’ Foments Homelessness in California,” Joe Lonsdale and Judge Glock of the well-funded Texas-based organization – the Cicero Institute – are urging states to defund affordable housing, including the successful evidence-based Housing First program. 
The Cicero Institute team has been peddling template legislation across the country to harm the lives of unhoused people. The Cicero Institute template bills have three main components:
Help us stop the Cicero Institute in its tracks!
Please consider a gift of $100, or any meaningful contribution you can make TODAY, to stop the Cicero Institute from taking away housing and civil rights from our unhoused neighbors in 2023!
If you wish to make a gift of stock, please contact Development Director Jennifer Clary at [email protected] for more information.
Learn more about the Law Center’s efforts to decriminalize homelessness by joining the
Housing Not Handcuffs Campaign
With much gratitude for your continued partnership, 
Antonia K. Fasanelli 
Executive Director 
Remove my name from all future mass email communications:

Address postal inquiries to:
National Homelessness Law Center
2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 750-E
Washington, DC 20036