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Dear Friend,

Thanks to an incredibly generous NCLEJ supporter, we have a $75,000 MATCH opportunity!

Take action today, so we can unlock $75,000 before December 31st! This year we fought even harder – spoke up even louder – and met every challenge head-on with the power and strategy that comes from working together. We know that we must continue to hold systems accountable to the law with even greater urgency in 2023. The National Center for Law and Economic Justice brings 50 years of legal expertise to support movements for economic, racial and disabilities justice across the country. This work requires serious commitment and funding. 

I ask you to be bold with us and extend your generosity to help us unlock this $75,000 Match now!
Become a monthly sustainer or make a one-time gift of any amount. If just 25 supporters pledge a monthly gift of $250.00, we’ll make our match! 

Yes! Match My Donation

The National Center for Law and Economic Justice will continue to work every day, redoubling our commitment to equity and justice for vulnerable communities everywhere. 

It takes us all. Please make NCLEJ a priority in your year-end giving.  

With gratitude and appreciation, 

Dennis D. Parker 
Executive Director, National Center for Law and Economic Justice

The National Center for Law and Economic Justice advances racial and economic justice through ground-breaking impact litigation, policy advocacy, and support for grassroots organizing. We have provided legal representation and support since 1965.
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