
Newsletter for the Movement for Economic, Climate, and Racial Justice


As we wrap up the year, ALIGN and our coalitions are reflecting on the big victories we’ve won in 2022—and there’s a lot to celebrate!


In this age of crisis, our movement is energized to reimagine and win a post-pandemic society that centers people, not profit. We are incredibly grateful for your support to make these victories possible.


Humanity faces grave dangers—from climate catastrophe to overlapping health crises to never-ending wars. We must continue building power in our communities, forging a pathway toward dignity and resilience, and resist abusive corporations' apathy and cynicism.


Built on diligent struggle and radical hope, our victories in 2022 show that systematic change comes from our communities building powerful coalitions across worker, climate, and racial justice movements. 

Together, we can win a stronger, more resilient New York in 2023. Please consider donating to ALIGN so we can continue building coalitions fighting for economic, climate, and racial justice.


ALIGN’s Seven Major Victories of 2022

Won $4 billion to electrify NYC public schools and create green career jobs.

Since 2017, ALIGN has been working to ensure NYC public schools are sustainable, healthy, and built by green union jobs. This year, ALIGN's Green, Healthy Schools report became a blueprint for a new city program to electrify public schools. Mayor Eric Adams announced a historic investment #GreenHealthySchools: $4 billion to fight the climate crisis by making all new schools 100% electric, creating healthier learning environments, and prioritizing Environmental Justice communities.


A win for climate technology.

ALIGN continues to move New York toward a sustainable, green future with green union jobs. The Utility Thermal Energy Network and Jobs Act will provide a pathway to decarbonize buildings and transition fossil fuel workers to green career jobs. This project is another clear example of how industry, workers, and the community can work together towards meeting New York’s climate goals.


Passed legislation to protect warehouse workers from harmful productivity quotas.

ALIGN leads the New Yorkers for a Fair Economy coalition that won the Warehouse Worker Protection Act, legislation that brings transparency to secret quotas in the warehouse industry and ensures workers know their rights. With the backing of major labor unions such as the RWDSU, Teamsters, and Amazon Labor Union, we built worker power across sectors to move this pivotal legislation.

Please consider donating to ALIGN so we can continue building coalitions fighting for economic, climate, and racial justice.


Fought against retaliation in unsafe workplaces with an amendment to the NY HERO Act.

Throughout the pandemic, the NY Essential Workers Coalition led and won the fight to ensure that workers have the necessary workplace protections for Covid-19 and beyond. The NY HERO Act was the culmination of this statewide movement. This year, we continued our long-term vision for health and safety so workers can utilize the tools of the NY HERO Act to its fullest potential. 


Garnered 400+ public comments supporting a just transition for workers in NY’s landmark

climate law.

The overwhelming support of the Clean Water, Clean Air, Green Jobs Bond Act this past election season shows that New Yorkers are ready and excited for a clean energy economy powered by green union jobs. As steering committee members of NY Renews, ALIGN put labor in the forefront of the climate conversation. And advocates like you mobilized to make sure our legislators know that green jobs are the future.


Launched new campaigns to raise NY’s minimum wage and pass a climate jobs and justice package.

The 2022 legislative session is another critical moment for ALIGN, our coalition partners, and New Yorkers across the state. The launch of a new minimum wage campaign as well as a massive legislative climate package reflects our bold and pragmatic vision for worker and climate justice, bringing partners together to fight for the structural changes we urgently need today and for the future.


Executive Director Maritza Silva-Farrell appointed to Mayor Adam’s Sustainability Advisory Board.

ALIGN’s reputation in leading climate and worker justice solutions, bringing organizations together, and building consensus makes us powerful allies with governmental partners. With ALIGN at the table, Maritza Silva-Farrell can ensure that our labor and climate partners have a strong voice in potential climate initiatives, including energy, transportation, waste management, and expanding New York City's green space.


From all of us at ALIGN, happy new year and thank you for supporting our movement! Please consider an end of year gift to help us jump start 2023 and the exciting work ahead.