Elon Musk claims his life is in great danger — and I believe he may be right.
Elon recently revealed to the world that a cabal of government and private sector elites are working in unison to influence the elections.
He didn’t buy a social media company. He bought a crime scene showing corruption and election interference at the deepest levels of government and society.
This is just one example of the unified assault that the government and corporate elites are perpetuating on the American republic through Big Tech censorship, radical leftwing propagandists in the media, and deep state agents in our government.
And this is what the Media Research Center (MRC) has been revealing to the public, even before Elon Musk.
My name is Brent Bozell, Founder and President of the Media Research Center (MRC).
MRC is the only conservative organization dedicated to exposing the radical left-wing agenda in the media and holding them accountable for their corruption and lies.
And we’re going to war against the media to hold them accountable and expose their Deep State corruption.
MRC is raising $15,000 before the New Year, and I need your help. Can you donate $10, $25, $50, or any amount today? Click here >>>
Now Elon is working to stop this, taking steps like firing Twitter's former deputy general counsel James Bake for suppression of information:
Elon’s life is at risk because he is exposing the Deep State Media — so you and I can prepare for the battle for America’s freedom. But this also shows the deep state agents are embedded in American corporations.
Can you send your urgent donation to MRC and help us defeat Big Tech censors? Click here to send your gift today >>>
How does the Media Research Center expose the left-wing media?
MRC’s Newsbuster has a Free Speech division that is solely dedicated to exposing Big Tech censorship. Through MRC’s CensorTrack, we have recorded 4,769 instances of Big Tech censorship.
Our CensorTrack has been used in high profile court cases against the Biden admin.
MRC has DESTROYED the Media’s reputation, but we still have a long way to go.
When the MRC was founded in 1987, over 75% of Americans trusted the left-wing media. Since then, MRC has successfully SHATTERED America’s trust in the left-wing media — over 90% of Americans state they DO NOT trust the media anymore.
Friend, it is no exaggeration to say that the fight against the Deep State Media corruption is a fight for America itself. Can you join MRC and help us reach our goal of $15,000 this month?
Click below to donate.
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Thank you,
Brent Bozell
Founder and President of MRC
The mission of the Media Research Center is to create a media culture in America where truth and liberty flourish. The MRC is a research and education organization operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and contributions to the MRC are tax-deductible.
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