By 2025, we could have five Green MPs and four Green council administrations, but we need you!

Dear John,


We have had twelve years of Tory government. Twelve years of disastrous government, mismanagement, and the dismantling of our national safety nets. Twelve years of our ruling party putting profiteering over the environment and real people’s lives. Nobody could be blamed for looking around and thinking that the future looks pretty bleak right now.


But we have also had twelve years of our lone, heroic, MP, Caroline Lucas, standing up for what is right in parliament. Twelve years in which the number of Green councillors in England and Wales has jumped from 100 to nearly 550 and we have gained two Peers, Jennie Jones and Natalie Bennett, in the House of Lords. Twelve years in which we have seen how powerful even a single Green voice can be in securing change and fighting for climate and social justice.


The more Greens we have in the room the more we can do to secure positive change for our communities and our environment, and to hold government to account. All we have to do is get them elected. 


That is why on January 21/22, we need you to travel to one of our key target constituencies where we are most likely to get the next Green MP elected, and be part of our National Action Weekend.

Image Credit - Jon Craig

💚 In Bristol they are doing amazing things. In 2019 Greens won 24 councillors making them the official opposition. They are now working hard to get us our second Green MP, tirelessly campaigning for our Co-Leader Carla Denyer to become MP for Bristol West. Latest data is showing that this is a winnable campaign, and they need all hands on deck to maintain the energy they have poured into their campaigns in 2022. They will be joined by Carla and Natalie Bennett.


💚 The Suffolk team are also aiming to get a Co-Leader elected. Adrian Ramsay and his team have been building the groundwork for election success. They need your help on Saturday 21st to win a parliamentary seat in Waveney Valley and to win Green control of the district council. They will be joined by Adrian Ramsay and Zack Polanski to support the action day.


💚 Brighton and Hove already have a Green-led council and a Green MP, Caroline Lucas. With all out local elections in May 2023 their campaign to retain control of the council and to gain the extra Green councillors they need to effect real change is well underway. They also need to retain Caroline’s seat in the next General election and are working hard to make gains in Hove where a Green MP is also a real possibility. They will be joined by Caroline Lucas.


💚 The Hereford team are campaigning for both national and local elections. Currently the Greens run the council as part of a coalition so there is a real chance of gaining control of the council. They are also campaigning to win a Green MP in a county that is currently represented solely by Conservative MPs. Ellie Chowns, the Herefordshire MP candidate will be joining to support the action day.

Just think, by 2025, we could have five Green MPs and four Green council administrations, sending a clear message that the people of this country want a change in how things are done and real action on the environment.


But none of this will be possible without you. Come and join one of our amazing local teams for the weekend, or even just for a day. You will be trained, supported, and fed delicious lunches. A perfect way to kick off 2023. Join us! 


In solidarity,

Green Team


P.S. Become a member today. Join the movement