Proving we should be in the January debate
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Andrew Yang for President

Yang Gang --

NEW POLL: The Des Moines Register, the most trusted poll in Iowa and host of next week’s debate, just released a poll putting us at 5%!

According to the moderators of the January debate, we deserve to be on that stage next Tuesday -- and this poll proves it loud and clear.

Yang Gang -- this is the message we need to send to the DNC and everyone who doubts our movement.  We are one of just three in the running to see this momentum and a clear rise in the state.

Let’s use this momentum to amplify our message that we are here to win.  Give as much you can to let the DNC know that the Yang Gang and our Humanity First movement will not go down without a fight.  Pitch in now.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

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Everything you’ve put into this campaign has kept us on this path to the White House.

If we continue to work hard and invest we can make this campaign THE campaign to beat.  And we are going to win this together.


Most of our donations come from people like you chipping in small amounts when they can. Your continued generosity helps us keep building this movement.



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New York, NY

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